my old hen is laying down a lot


May 28, 2020
Hi Everyone,
I have a backyard flock of 15. Two of my girls we’ve had for 10 years so they are quite old ladies. One of them started to seem not herself about a week ago. I noticed she wasn’t getting up or moving and I went to pick her up and she let me pick her up and didn’t attempt to move and was just sort of floppy.

I separated her from the flock in case she was Ill. I made a little place for her in my old dog crate with food and water. No other chickens appear ill or anything unusual.

She seems to go back and forth with getting a bit better and getting up for a day or so and and then going back to just laying down with her wings kind of flopped out. She seems to be breathing a little harder than usual but doesn’t seem to have pain anywhere and she chirps at me when I come by.

She doesn’t seem to be eating or drinking but it’s been 6 days and she’s still perky so I’m guessing she’s drinking at some point. I did see her poop twice while she was in the stage of being up and walking.

Does this sound like old age catching up or does she sound sick? She’s not distressed but I’d like to help her however I can. Thank you.
Hi Everyone,
I have a backyard flock of 15. Two of my girls we’ve had for 10 years so they are quite old ladies. One of them started to seem not herself about a week ago. I noticed she wasn’t getting up or moving and I went to pick her up and she let me pick her up and didn’t attempt to move and was just sort of floppy.

I separated her from the flock in case she was Ill. I made a little place for her in my old dog crate with food and water. No other chickens appear ill or anything unusual.

She seems to go back and forth with getting a bit better and getting up for a day or so and and then going back to just laying down with her wings kind of flopped out. She seems to be breathing a little harder than usual but doesn’t seem to have pain anywhere and she chirps at me when I come by.

She doesn’t seem to be eating or drinking but it’s been 6 days and she’s still perky so I’m guessing she’s drinking at some point. I did see her poop twice while she was in the stage of being up and walking.

Does this sound like old age catching up or does she sound sick? She’s not distressed but I’d like to help her however I can. Thank you.
Good morning, I'm very new chicken owner so I'm no help with information but I can offer my heart ❤.. From what I've been reading on here a 10 yr old chicken is almost unheard of , I read other day that heavy egg layer might only have 2 years my heart sank🥺. I only have 7 girls 4 from last year 3 from this can't imagine loosing any of them this soon.. So again giving you my heart and my prayers for your old girl.. Good luck..
Good morning, I'm very new chicken owner so I'm no help with information but I can offer my heart ❤.. From what I've been reading on here a 10 yr old chicken is almost unheard of , I read other day that heavy egg layer might only have 2 years my heart sank🥺. I only have 7 girls 4 from last year 3 from this can't imagine loosing any of them this soon.. So again giving you my heart and my prayers for your old girl.. Good luck..
Thank you. She’s dear to us and I’m hoping if this is old age related that she stays comfortable as she goes. I’m bringing her a few treats and she does peck at those. Good luck with your girls. They are so enjoyable to have.

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