My old Rhode Island Reds did not me messing with their yard.


May 13, 2019
I received my 5 baby Salmon Faverolles on May 7 and today I took part of the area I had for my 3 old hens for an area for my new chicks and I caught hell from my no.1 hen Henrietta Cluck big time. She ran around the rest of their yard they had making more noise then ever and you could say having a complete fit. I went over and picked her up and I told her she would still be the head chicken in the area and to relax and I gave her meal worms that usually calm her down but she was still unhappy about temporarily losing ground. They were really happy when I opened the gate this evening after my dog was back in so they free range till their bed time. I messed up one night and did not close the gate and saw them out in the morning with my Golden Retriever puppy and he sent them running for home but he could not catch them thankfully. I had a Henrietta Cluck when I was a child and she would be all over the neighborhood riding on the back of my German Sheppard so I am hoping this dog will at least be friends with them like in the good old days. I have had my old girls for 3 years and they have taught me along with my new girls no one should call them dumb animals because they are very intelligent. Since I am permanently disabled and old I wear sweat pants all the time and when they want meal worms or my attention Henrietta and a supporter or two peck at my sweats. They will also squat down so I can pet them. I was an architect and had to inspect buildings and she and her sisters come in when I pull up the soiled newspapers and check feed along with water while picking up eggs (I have read were chicken egg production goes down 30% after 3 years but they are still laying as in the first year.) to see if what I am doing it to their satisfaction. Today was the first time the Salmon Faverolles were outside and with no mother they knew how to go out and search for food roll in the dust, scratch automatically like old pros. People have to be taught how to eat, drink, walk, get potty trained etc. but not animals they just know how. I helped raised four children so I know all the fun things parents have to do to raise them but not with chickens. FYI: They are all my pets and we have fun together from playing with a ball with meal worms to chasing me around when they want something. If they see me in our atrium doors they run to the door and start jumping up and down while Henrietta raises her voice to get my attention.
Lol, Faverolles and devil birds you are in for a very interesting time ahead my freind.
Not to pry but what made you choose little frenchies when you already had devil birds?
I say devil birds in the most respectful way, the red ladies are just a double handful.:)
I had no idea that my Rhode Island Reds were "devil birds" they have always been rather docile when they are with me and let me pick them up and swat for me to pet them. When I bought the 3 chicks I had no idea they were that bad because I had a Red as a child and she was great and a lot of fun. If they are as bad as you say I am afraid they will have to find a new home because I could not kill them because they are my pets. They lay eggs like crazy so hopefully someone will take them in here in the greater Kansas City area. I would probably give them the coop because it is too small for my 5 new hens that let me pick them up and swat to pet them. I have always been an animal lover and as a child I accumulated so many pets my elegant mother (always in a dress and a prem every two weeks) was not very happy so my father added an 8x12 foot addition to his heated garage to move them out of the house. I think another big reason was he wanted to buy Fantail pigeons and Jacobi's (sp) and needed a place for them.
Henrietta is still throwing a squawking fit 3 days later and no matter what I do she just keeps going on and on. Like you said she is a devil bird but I hope not because I planned to keep her and her Cluck sisters till they died. Thank you for your comment.
They aren't all that bad, just very headstrong and willful.
Maybe since they've been with you so long they'll be a bit more forgiving.
Devil bird is mostly due to that will of theirs and that deep, deep red.
So why the little french hens?
Sorry if i'm being nosy. I keep a small flock of Faverolles myself so i'm always curious about others that do as well. :)
My father was born in Austria in 1892 and mother in Germany in 1923 and both told me the devil in stain glass windows in their home land was showed the devil as black. FYI: I turn 70 earlier this year. I never taught of my Reds as devils because of their color or behavior.
I bought the Salmon Faverolles because I wanted a really nice hens I could make some special pets out of and my professional architecture background thought they were beautiful. I have no idea if they will change colors but all 5 of my girls have a different color scheme and I like that so I know which is which. If I did not raise the Reds already 3 years ago I would never have tried raising the French hens. I bought 3 red chicks hoping I could at least have one to survive as a pet and miraculously all 3 survived. I have never been on a farm and I proved it big time when one of my co-workers came back from visiting his family that lived on a farm and I asked, "Did you slope some chickens when you were home?" The my co-workers really gave me grieve for a long time. My father's family had an estate and mother's was a professional engineers so no help there and they never came here so no help. The grandparents were from the 1850's and early 1880's so I only wrote to them. My father helped me care for my first hen because they raised chickens in the yard during WWII.
Both sides of the family were brought here at the request of the government because they had a growing country and lacked medical help and facilities back in the 1800's. Mother's aunt was a dietitian at the hospital who made the history book of the Sisters of Saint Mary when she called Herr Butcher and ordered chickens to feed everyone. The butcher asked if she "wanted them dressed or undressed" and she had no idea what he was talking about so she went to my mother for help. She told her "Herr Butcher wants to know if we want the chickens dressed or undressed." They immediately switched to German to talk about the problem and they decided they wanted the chickens undressed like featherless. When the birds arrived with all the clothes on they about had a heart attack and Sister went to the phone to tell Herr Butcher he made a mistake but he told her you did. My father happened to be there later in the kitchen as the two of them with help were plucking chicken feathers thanks to some of the German Sisters were raised on a farm. He said he never would forget the beautiful young blond (mother) sitting there with tears coming out of her blue grey eyes plucking feathers. Both parents came from aristocratic backgrounds so they never plunked or raised chickens.
Tante (aunt) messed up again when an employee told Sister the sink was stopped up, she told her quick and call "Herr Plumper and tell him the zink is constipated."
Thank you so much for the very insightful backstory, that was actually like reading a really lovely book for me.
Fascinating to hear about parts of the past particularly light hearted ones from someone who was there living it.
Just from the levity of that tale I think you and the little Faverolles are a perfect match, you'll bring joy to each other no doubt about it.
Iv'e gotten to the point where my first girls have children, so i'm a Faverolles grandmother.
They are happiness without fail iv'e found and I truly hope it is the same or better for you.:)
The story about the dressed or undressed chickens happen shortly after mother came to this country in 1923 so it is only a story my father told me.
I am so far not getting any where with my Faverolles because they run away when they see me and my Reds come running to me. I have tried to hold them and talk to them and even offered meal worms and yogurt without making head way in making them thing I am a friend. I have even talked to them. I hope you are right about a perfect match because right now I have my doubts. They were hatched May 6th this year. Maybe they know my parents were German and they do not like my blood line. ha! ha!
You might also I like this story my great aunt called the Herr Butcher and asked if he had any brains and he told her no so she asked to speak with someone who did. Translation problems again and the other German Sisters had their problems also. There are 3 pages of bloopers in their history book.
I about laughed myself sick when Sister Bernini called the Herr Butcher and told him the steak he sent was to tough for Father's birthday and said, "You must have sent someone's pet". She then told him Herr Father needs new shoes but he cannot cut the steak to make shoes. I was exposed to the hospital because we had to live on hospital property till I was 18 when father retired at 75 years old being on call 24/7 for 53 years because when they wanted my father they wanted him now. I had run of the hospital so even as a child I was all over the place. When I wanted my father I would some how get into the hospital and tell my dog find poppa and off we went till he found him in the hospital (aka Krankenhaus in German) complex.
Thank you for your lovely note.
They are skittish little babes.
Are your mealworms alive it makes a big difference.
A no no but tiny amounts of bread will also win hearts.
Raisins work too, believe it or not.
I know all the food soft spots.:)
The story about the dressed or undressed chickens happen shortly after mother came to this country in 1923 so it is only a story my father told me.
I am so far not getting any where with my Faverolles because they run away when they see me and my Reds come running to me. I have tried to hold them and talk to them and even offered meal worms and yogurt without making head way in making them thing I am a friend. I have even talked to them. I hope you are right about a perfect match because right now I have my doubts. They were hatched May 6th this year. Maybe they know my parents were German and they do not like my blood line. ha! ha!
You might also I like this story my great aunt called the Herr Butcher and asked if he had any brains and he told her no so she asked to speak with someone who did. Translation problems again and the other German Sisters had their problems also. There are 3 pages of bloopers in their history book.
I about laughed myself sick when Sister Bernini called the Herr Butcher and told him the steak he sent was to tough for Father's birthday and said, "You must have sent someone's pet". She then told him Herr Father needs new shoes but he cannot cut the steak to make shoes. I was exposed to the hospital because we had to live on hospital property till I was 18 when father retired at 75 years old being on call 24/7 for 53 years because when they wanted my father they wanted him now. I had run of the hospital so even as a child I was all over the place. When I wanted my father I would some how get into the hospital and tell my dog find poppa and off we went till he found him in the hospital (aka Krankenhaus in German) complex.
Thank you for your lovely note.

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