My outdoor pen build


9 Years
Oct 10, 2010
Yesterday I started my quail pen. I was going to build my quail pen attached to my chicken run. After a little feedback from here I decided to move the quail to their own area. The plan is to have a carport style open air cover with a storage area attached. Yesterday I was able to start on my project. Here is the progress after day one. It is 8' x 12' but the back 3' will be enclosed storage. That will leave 8' x 9' for the pens. The plan is 2' x 9' pens on both sides with a 4 foot walkway in the center.

This looks great! They will appreciate the shade!

I have just started with my Quail and am looking forward to creating some outdoor space for them
Was able to work on it a little this evening. Got the roof rafters on. If the weather holds up I should be able to spend some time on it this weekend.

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It works! And give your pen a classic look
built the 4 foot storage shed this weekend. Stained all the wood on the frame. A little more painting and I'll be ready to build the cages.

Started building cage 1 of 2 ... but who knows how many I might end up with ...

Installed my first cage. Installed it on hooks so I can easily take them of for cleaning.


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Good job, please keep us updated.
I like your setup a lot.
I see you have woodworking skills.

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