My own predator,,,I'm heartbroken


9 Years
Jul 29, 2010
I'm crying as I sit here typing. I'm alone at the house now and I'm really glad none of my 3 children are here. I looked outside and my dog was eating something. Went out to see what it was and I don't know how but she got one of my white Leghorn girls. She must have found some small way to fly out of their run. The rest are in the run and OK with no visible entry point.

I guess I'll just go sit and watch until my husband gets home and helps me figure out how to further tighten security on their run.

I can't take any more sitting with a dead chicken in my lap (in a plastic bag) and crying.
So sorry
about what happened to your girl and what you are going thru. It's okay to cry... I would be.
That is just terrible and I am so sorry for your loss. I know it doesnt help the situation but your dog was just doing what instinct tells him/her to do. All you can do is figure out how your hen got out and fix it. i really hope you will never have to go through this again because It is a terrible feeling to lose a beloved pet and especially hard when your other pet is the culprit. it is okay to cry too. I would be a basket case.
Sorry for your loss. Leghorns are known to fly. I recommend you clip their wing feathers back like I had to do when I had Leghorns. My Hamburgs are the same way, had to clip the feathers on their wings too, they are very high flyers. I wish you the best.
what is the first thing you do when you see it... as hard as it is to do, show your disapproval towards your dog about what it's doing should be your first action.
im so sorry for your loss i know what its like. i woke up one morning to go out the door & sitting right on the door mat headless was my very 1st chook i got (2 yr old shaver). she found a way out of the coup & my cat got her - i knew it was my cat as that was his thing eat the head leave the rest for me to skin ( rabbit ) pluck ( duck, bigger bird ). i was gutted & very upset but he was just following instincts. he has never done it since. i am now teaching the dogs to be on chook alert for when they get into the vegie garden they will bark at them or run at them when they come near the house but know not to bite or be to aggresive...
oh they are blue heelers mum & daughter
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