My Peachicks Of 2014 *** Will Have Lots Of Pictures ***

You know, mom will sit right on those little guys all night until they're big enough to get up into the tree (and when they're up in the tree, too!).

Not sure about other people's experiences, but opossums are not always dangerous to peas...says Peggy...

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Mabe not to big peas but possums eat mice and rats if they can and they will take a chick and eat it starting at the rear so will a rat if it is hungry enough.
You are right the hen will cover the babies on the ground but they are not much protection from wildlife so safety can be an issue
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Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that peababies are safe near opossums!
Gotta keep those babies safe.
The momma pea keeps moving from one spot to another each night with her chicks and blends in so well with the tall grass that it's very hard to find her, and every morning she shows

up with her chicks. I have lost many chickens and guineas to possums and pea nest as well to possums, but never lost a pea only slight injury to feathers is all I've ever noticed.
Thanks, Momma pea ran after a rabbit that got within 15 feet of her and the chicks. She's always ignored rabbits in the past, but now that she has babies it's different. Momma fanned

out her tail and went after that rabbit; I guess fanning out the tail makes her look bigger than she really is. Have a blessed day, and hope your peas are doing well.....Joe
You know, mom will sit right on those little guys all night until they're big enough to get up into the tree (and when they're up in the tree, too!).

Not sure about other people's experiences, but opossums are not always dangerous to peas...says Peggy...

My opossum is afraid of the chickens!


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