My Peachicks Of 2014 *** Will Have Lots Of Pictures ***

This one is from mine. I still have a little while to go on the ones Dylansmom sent me. But I went on a little vacation and my nephews forgot to put water in the incubator so I am afraid I may not get any more babies. As I am not incubating anymore eggs.
This one is from mine. I still have a little while to go on the ones Dylansmom sent me. But I went on a little vacation and my nephews forgot to put water in the incubator so I am afraid I may not get any more babies. As I am not incubating anymore eggs.
. I'm going to set a few more, but then I'm done, too. Have a bunch in the Janoel bator, but only two look good, so I think I'm gonna move those to a broody. Also have three broodies on about 15 eggs, but some didn't look viable the last time I looked.

They taste delicious, i feel like royalty when i know what they sell for
you made something beautiful out of one last year with salmon and some yummy looking
They taste delicious, i feel like royalty when i know what they sell for
you made something beautiful out of one last year with salmon and some yummy looking
It was tasty... pea egg over easy with smoked salmon, cream cheese, avocado, capers, lemon pepper on a lightly toasted bagel.

I lied, no cheese!

Huge egg!

Next to Muscovy egg

Over easy on a bagel with smoked salmon, avacado and capers.

Hi Zaz!

Sad news, my dark pea chick is missing; momma had only 2 of the 3 chicks today, so as soon as the sun started to set I found the momma pea and removed her chicks from her. It was so sad to see the mother running franticly around looking for and calling for her chicks. They are in the garage for the night until morning when they will be relocated to the large chicken coop. Once momma is tricked into going into the coop, as they all follow the feed bucket, I will reunite her with her chicks where momma and chicks will occupy the coop for several weeks by them selves until the chicks are large enough to fly into the trees with their mother.

Will feed them high protean game bird crumbles during that time. My closest neighbors are about 1800 feet away, they have a dog who doesn't bother their chickens, however I have no dogs, just a bunch of very noisy Chinese brown geese ( that one is a love / hate relationship) probably would be a good idea to have a guard dog. I'll have to think about that idea, thanks Zaz......Joe
Casportpony, howdy there!

Zaz mentioned getting a guard dog, probably better than the 4 noisy geese I have. My sister, who lives on a lake, has two dogs who have kill a few squirrels, coons and possums that came into their yard. Sister said that a group of marauding peafowl came into the yard one day and the dogs just ignored them; hum, must of been their dogs day off, only God knows. You have some beautiful Peas, like the pictures

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