My Pekin's eggs are fertile!!


10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Church Hill, TN

I was just making some apple upside down cakes for Thanksgiving and decided to use some of my Pekin's eggs. I grabbed one, cracked it into a bowl....fertile! I grabbed another, cracked it open....fertile! Two more...fertile, fertile!

My husband practically had to scrape me up off the kitchen floor! I have 3 males and 3 female Pekins. Lucy, the oldest female is the only one laying right now. I expect Lela and Lulu to start any time. I watch daily as Lucy tries to entice her mate, Nibbles to mate with her.

She does the "Hussy Hustle" then runs to the pool, hops in and calls and calls him. I've never once seen him join her. Obviously he has when I wasn't looking! Maybe Nibbles is shy or has performance anxiety! lol

I'm so darn excited. I can't wait until my 8 year old grandson gets up in the morning so I can tell him. The Pekins are his!!!!

Now save a few for the incubator.
My pekins laid their very first egg 28 days ago today. Mine have been fertile since that very first egg. I have three scheduled to hatch on Thanksgiving - although I think only two will. They went into lockdown tonight and I candled them but one is about still about 1/3rd clear, it was still alive and moving though but did it look as good as the other two.
Back out? Who put it away? ROFL!!! I have call duck eggs in it right now and it looks like 5 of the 6 are fertile.

Plus 3 weeks ago I hatched out 7 beautiful Runners! I have a feeling my incubators are going to be like the Energizer bunny and keep going and going and going!!

This is going to sound stupid but........ ducks can cross breed, right???????? Asking because I have 3 pekin females and one male ______? He has a green head and different colored feathers. I am getting duck eggs but none are fertile. Is it because they are different breeds, or..... is he an idiot? That is my

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