Why do my ducks nibble me so much?


Aug 31, 2023
I have 2 male Pekín ducks I raised as babies

(as well as a female muscovey but she’s on the skidding side. I didn’t raise her.)

And they LOVE to nibble on my kinda hard. I don’t think they mean to do it so hard but I also can’t tell.

If I don’t have closed toes shoes on they chase my feet trying to nibble them.
They often chase after in general and if I put my hand out they nibble all over it kinda.

ESPECIALLY when I fill their bath. They will chase me down and almost jump in my lap and get all in my face and such.

I can’t tell if they love me if they’re mad or if they want to mate with me lol
Video of one of them doing it. Right after this he jumped into my lap.

how old are they? just coming into their raging drake hormones?
they are showing dominance and you need to nip it in the bud.
i suggest when they do it pick them up and carry them around the yard for a while. so they know who is the boss in the yard. alternatively, you can hold them down for a minute as in pin to the ground . then you can flap your arms and quack very loudly while moving towards them.
If you don’t teach them that you are the alpha, their aggression will increase. that’s my opinion.
i have to do those things with my gander, Charlie, especially during mating season, which is starting now. my Ducks are all females and chickens are too.
It's misplaced mating behavior.
You may be right. After being filling their little tub up today he came over and nibbled like that but jumped right in my lap and tried to mount me.

How do I get them to stop? They alternate who’s doing it and they only do it to me.

We have a female duck but the only other ducks they’re interested in especially mating is each other.

And one time a white rooster we had.

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