my pet chicken reviews

I have bought many hens from My Pet Chicken, the buff Orpingtons are one of my favorites, I still have three of my original 5 that I ordered 8 years ago, I have two others gotten in the last 4 years. I haven't had any real health problems with any breeds, a few pass along the way from various things but nothing I would consider out of the ordinary, or from bad breeding.

Received my chicks this week from mpc. Excellent experience so far. Healthy lively chicks. I bought 2 blk white crested polish, 2 leghorn, 2 americaunas, 1 copper maran.
Excited for this new addition to my flock.
I know most people on here are discussing their baby chicks but I'm wondering if anyone has had problems with their chickens once they are grown? I have 8 2yr old hens, I ordered 8 girls and got 8 girls and they all came alive and survived which I am glad for but 2 of them would likely not be alive if I didn't have a great avian vet that sees backyard chickens and the willingness to spend the money to fix them. I had 1 buff orpington have a vent prolapse when she layed her first egg and my other buff orpington have a cyst removed from her oviduct, which was not cheap. I now have a 3rd chciken with problems absorbing calcium we think she has vitamin d deficiency and are now supplementing her. She has plenty of sunshine and I don't feed a lot of snacks and they are on high quality food and she is the only one with the problem. I was just wondering if I just got lucky enough to get all the birds that are doomed to have problems or if anyone else has had similar issues

I bought 5 chicks from a local women who sells chicks, she orders large quantities then resells. I have 3 barred rocks from her 1 lays dis formed eggs frequently and another one doesn't lay as frequently has the rest of my flock they are on very good food and supplement with os. Maybe they have a vitamin d deficiency? I will have to research this.
Thanks for the info.
I bought 5 chicks from a local women who sells chicks, she orders large quantities then resells. I have 3 barred rocks from her 1 lays dis formed eggs frequently and another one doesn't lay as frequently has the rest of my flock they are on very good food and supplement with os. Maybe they have a vitamin d deficiency? I will have to research this.
Thanks for the info.

My just started to lay thin shelled eggs and we are going into the 4th week of this nearly every day I took her to my vet and we did bloodwork and x-rays everything came back normal except the Dr thought her bone density looked off. She recommended supplementing the vitamin d I had to get baby drops that are 400 iu per dose and give 200 iu 3 times a week
My just started to lay thin shelled eggs and we are going into the 4th week of this nearly every day I took her to my vet and we did bloodwork and x-rays everything came back normal except the Dr thought her bone density looked off. She recommended supplementing the vitamin d I had to get baby drops that are 400 iu per dose and give 200 iu 3 times a week
Do you offer a separate dish of oyster shells?
Yes they have always had free choice oyster shell since they started laying, her calcium level is fine we just think that she is not getting enough vitamin d and therefore cannot process the calcium, we are also considering switching feed
They can lay thin shelled eggs when the calcium to D3 ratio is off. I would try a different feed like you are considering to see if it's dietary.
Just a note about your breeds. I got a mixed (2 of each) group of chicks a few years ago and everyone got along fine. I didn't get any breeds that wrer bullies. Last year the other hens started picking on my Salmon Favorelle and she is so timid she would hide all day. I finally set her up her own pen and house and all is well now.
The countdown has finally begun!!! 7 days till ship day!!!

All the "baby" feeders, Brinsea heater, etc. dug out and cleaned up? check. Brooder set up in sunroom? check. Chick starter, fresh Nutridrench and grogel? check. "Playpen" dug out and ready to go (when the weather decides to cooperate, that is)? check. Calendar cleared so I am sure to be home when the post office calls? check.

One anxious chickie momma? check!!!
The countdown has finally begun!!! 7 days till ship day!!!

All the "baby" feeders, Brinsea heater, etc. dug out and cleaned up? check. Brooder set up in sunroom? check. Chick starter, fresh Nutridrench and grogel? check. "Playpen" dug out and ready to go (when the weather decides to cooperate, that is)? check. Calendar cleared so I am sure to be home when the post office calls? check.

One anxious chickie momma? check!!!
I feel your excitement! Our new babies are due to ship on May 9th. I've added and changed my order twice already.

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