my pet chicken reviews

I'm still worried about Freckles the Sussex and Cheeks the Faverolle. Cheeks is peeping about eating and drinking, but she's sooo tiny I get a panic attack every time she tries to take a nap. i try to remember they have had a long journey and also need rest. Freckles still just sort of topples over when we put her in with the others. She will drink from my hand, but not the water bowl. She has pecked at bits of food, but refuses it from me. I'm going to try a little sugar water instead of just the electrolytes. She's sooo small. All my experiences thus far have been that the puny ones never seem to make it. I hope I'm wrong this time.
What a nightmare- I've been following this post. I'm sorry!
Thank you csneill

It keeps getting better. (And this is no kidding) I just got a call from someone from the post office in a place called Rothschild WI. That's where the transfer facility is located. She wanted to know if we wanted to come pick up our chicks, Problem? That is roughly 80 or so miles to our south in an area we haven't even driven thru in 20 years. It's already after 4 pm here and by the time we got all the animals tucked away, got on the road, found the place, got the babies and got back home it would most likely be close to 9 pm or later. The DH said, "NO". I could hear chicks peeping in the background but they wouldn't even verify if ours were some that were still alive.
I'm still worried about Freckles the Sussex and Cheeks the Faverolle. Cheeks is peeping about eating and drinking, but she's sooo tiny I get a panic attack every time she tries to take a nap. i try to remember they have had a long journey and also need rest. Freckles still just sort of topples over when we put her in with the others. She will drink from my hand, but not the water bowl. She has pecked at bits of food, but refuses it from me. I'm going to try a little sugar water instead of just the electrolytes. She's sooo small. All my experiences thus far have been that the puny ones never seem to make it. I hope I'm wrong this time.
Try feeding them a little scrambled egg (mostly yolk at first). That will give them what they need right now.
The folks at our PO are very friendly and helpful as much as they can (they're all our neighbors after all) and do what they can but they are the end users of a totally disfunctional system.  Our little office is responsible for a huge delivery area and just "running them out" every time a box comes in just isn't possible.  We are fortunate that they are still open at all.  That is why they have such a huge coverage area.  They keep closing the small town post offices up here.  That's the other problem. We used to be able to get stuff reasonably on time but Wausau is no longer a distribution point just a transfer hub so the trucks go north from Milwaukee to Green Bay, then BACK southwest to Wausau then BACK up to all points north.  Totally stupid.  I just got done talking with our postmaster.  My chicks (along with several other shipments apparently) left Green Bay at 9:00 this morning and still are not due to arrive in Wausau for another hour.  She called Wausau and was told there was a mix up with the routing along the way.  She was told they are going to bring them into the warehouse for the night and do the best they can to keep them warm but I told her there really is no point since they will be loading them into unheated trucks at 2 a.m. in 20o temps where they will spend at least another 4 hours (most likely more) and even in the best conditions they will arrive here well outside the 72 hour window.
I still don't even know if MPC even put a heat pack in with them (even tho I did stress it could still be cold up here)  :(  which I guess probably wouldn't matter in this case anyway.

I definitely will NOT be ordering chicks by mail again from anyone unless they are coming from a lot closer.  
Sorry, I wasn't aware of all that, our stuff goes north 50 miles to Wausau, only to come back south 50 miles. It is a messed up system. Mine have often arrived on Thursdays, I don't recall any losses. Wishing you luck that they are all okay. Mine will ship in three weeks.

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