my pet chicken reviews

Wow. That's not been my experience with My Pet Chicken at all.

My sympathy for your recent loss. Is it possible, just maybe, that you are projecting your feelings of anger and greif on this company, who by your own account, has spent many hours trying to make things right, outside of their own written policies?

Although we lost 4 chicks (3 of our 6 silkies :-( ) in the first few days our other MPC are now 3 weeks old and doing great. Some of them are still a mystery to me. Can anyone identify this chick in the center of the photo? It's my favorite in our flock of 20, it's so friendly. I know most of the chicks but a few are mysteries since we ordered a couple each from Marans, rare breed and brown egg layer collections.
My chicks shipped this morning and i guess my blue orps will be in there as they did not call me to get replacements!!!!!! Yay yay yay.@Rock Sisterim so sorry about your mom these eggs must have ment so much to you. I have always had great customer service with them.

Although we lost 4 chicks (3 of our 6 silkies :-( ) in the first few days our other MPC are now 3 weeks old and doing great. Some of them are still a mystery to me. Can anyone identify this chick in the center of the photo? It's my favorite in our flock of 20, it's so friendly. I know most of the chicks but a few are mysteries since we ordered a couple each from Marans, rare breed and brown egg layer collections.
Ancona maybe?
Wow. That's not been my experience with My Pet Chicken at all.

My sympathy for your recent loss. Is it possible, just maybe, that you are projecting your feelings of anger and greif on this company, who by your own account, has spent many hours trying to make things right, outside of their own written policies?

Just like I told the company that has the same opinion as you, no, it should not matter if I am nice in order to buy from them.

And, if I may ask, how did you interpret the constant fighting as them trying to do everything they could to help me? I realize that we have MPC owners and employees as members, so if I have offended, I am sorry but this is my experience, documented with emails you have never read so reading back, I don't see how you came to that conclusion from what I said. I am not trying to be hateful nor ugly. I am a 49 yr old Cherokee with a ruff exterior and stern language and personality and people often take me wrong. So rather than create an uneccessary argument, please know that I am not being ugly to you. I understand your thoughts about the grief, I just wonder how you feel they did everything within their policies with me? If you have a personal friend through there, ok.

As for my review, I would in no way intentionally hurt a company. I also understand the risk with shipping eggs and I also understand that my experience was not good. If you look through reviews though, take a look at those reviews of them and see those with great reviews and see just how many people with happy personalities get their eggs and how many treated them as a company that promised quality product and got aggrivated from blatent lack of concern towards that customer's product, had bad experiences, both their bread and butter.

Like I said, I mean no ill disregard and refuse a fight but there is an option to give reviews on this site so that people can make their buying choices. We need this, or we can't look after one another. I chose to place my TRUE experience from a company that DID NOT do everything they could or this review wouldn't be on here.


I am new here. If I should not be placing reviews until so many posts or until people get to know me, please let me know. I have self control, am a decent person and I just wanted to share my experience. This is my last post on this as I do not go looking for arguments and want everyone to know I am a good person, I respect everyone's opinions and was looking out for all of us. I also am glad those who have managed to have a great experience with them are happy. My personality destroyed it for me according to the owner.

Peace to everyone, may you be happy with whoever you choose but myself personally won't be using them. Sorry. The eggs were horrible.
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Although we lost 4 chicks (3 of our 6 silkies :-( ) in the first few days our other MPC are now 3 weeks old and doing great. Some of them are still a mystery to me. Can anyone identify this chick in the center of the photo? It's my favorite in our flock of 20, it's so friendly. I know most of the chicks but a few are mysteries since we ordered a couple each from Marans, rare breed and brown egg layer collections.

I have no idea but that one is stinkin' CUTE!
Rock Sister, so sorry for your losses, both Mom and eggs :-(. I agree honest reviews are important. I feel that I had an average experience with MPC, not poor, not excellent. I love the chicks we have, I'm sad for the ones that passed quickly. I wonder if they would have done better with a heat pack, my order contained none just a box with lots of holes poked open and a straw bed, looked all through and nothing else contained. I wonder if they would have done better had they made it to the shipping hub in time so they didn't have to wait in OH overnight before really starting their journey. I don't know. I paid for Express shipping even though I had 24 birds and didn't need to pay the extra. They still took 2 days to get to me and were weak on arrival. It was a lot of work to get through those first few days. They did credit me for the 2 chicks that I reported before the deadline the other 2 passed slightly past that time or I was asleep. I honestly don't know if I would order again. Many questions, did I need to ask for a heat pack? I assumed they would provide one. I asked them should I have had bantams shipped separately from larger birds, they said no these things just happen. The reps I talked with were friendly and gave suggestions to help the weak ones. I wish we had the other silkies since we wanted at least 6 of them and varied colors but I don't know if I would try it again and risk their little lives not to mention pay a high shipping cost with no guarantee it would speed up their journey much! I love that I got such a fun assortment but may need to find a hatchery or breeder I can drive to because I don't know if I would do shipping again.

Keesemon, oldhenlikesdogs and shezadandy Thanks!

I love this bird (all of them but this one is crazy fun!) I do think you guys are right either ancona or exchequer leghorn. I'm glad to narrow the possibilities, she and one of her sisters, the speckled Sussex I think, was trying to help me look through MPC yesterday to figure out what she might be. LOL

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