My poor chicky is all alone... will it be OK?


10 Years
Feb 15, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
I feel kinda dumb asking this, but I have never had just one chick before! He hatched thismorning, and I am pretty sure he will be the only one.

So, will he be OK alone? Will he have failure to thrive or something?

I have two options: Get another few chicks from the feedstore, (I would rather not.) Or, I have a broody due his weekend. I could try to give him to her after hers hatch. Will he be OK till then?
feather duster and a mirror! Never thought of that... good idea. I will try it while I am trying o find someone who is going to town today...
It's not that they can't be alone, but they do prefer company of their own kind. Some will fail to thrive if alone, others will drive you nuts with their constant cheeping & complaining.

If you were already looking for an excuse to get some feed store chicks, here you go. If not, then try the feather duster (hang it by the handle so the feathers just touch the brooder floor) and the mirror. Get yourself some ear plugs or play lots of loud music.

The broody mama *might* be willing to adopt this chick, try slipping him in at night & see if she can tell the difference in the morning. My broody wouldn't adopt chicks, but others are more agreeable.

Otherwise, you can just wait until the Mama leaves her chicks, at 6-10 weeks, and put them all together then.
You could do the feather duster and mirror until your hen hatches her and then try to see if she will accept it. If will not then you could steal one of her chicks to put inside with it.

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