my poor duck


8 Years
Apr 12, 2014
I am having issues with my ducks and geese. when I first started this project the ducks were suppose to free range but a fox came around so it caused me to confine them during the day with the geese now the geese especially the big male an American blue decided he hates the ducks especially white ones. I had them loose yesterday I was home the geese got into where the ducks were and sure enough he got my little duclair. This picture is a little bloody so I worn you she was treated so far ok. this goose had her by the back and was lifting her up and smashing her on the ground. I had to grab him to get him now I don't no what to do I feel bad about keeping them up in the pen all the time. I think I have to get rid ether the ducks or the geese. some times things just don't work out the way you want them to. morale of this story don't under estimate the power of geese.
I am having issues with my ducks and geese. when I first started this project the ducks were suppose to free range but a fox came around so it caused me to confine them during the day with the geese now the geese especially the big male an American blue decided he hates the ducks especially white ones. I had them loose yesterday I was home the geese got into where the ducks were and sure enough he got my little duclair. This picture is a little bloody so I worn you she was treated so far ok. this goose had her by the back and was lifting her up and smashing her on the ground. I had to grab him to get him now I don't no what to do I feel bad about keeping them up in the pen all the time. I think I have to get rid ether the ducks or the geese. some times things just don't work out the way you want them to. morale of this story don't under estimate the power of geese.
Poor baby and I can see where your coming from, these ganders are changing by the day getting more possessive of and aggressive because of time of year. ganging up on the ducks and chickens one reason why I have a fenced in area separated for my geese when it finally gets to be too much.I even now have a separate goose house just in case they have to stay in this enclosure. I'd say your either going to have to make sure the geese cannot get to your ducks or make that unhappy decision to get rid one one or the other before someone gets killed. I really think the ganders are capable of killing them too.Although all 4 of mine join in when they go after a chicken or duck.What we're seeing is natural behavior but it sure can get beyond that too me. This morning is the first time my youngest gander actually came towards me with neck quivering ready to bite. He is just 1.5 yrs old. So I'll be having to watch 2 this year.
Right now I can still let my geese mingle with my flock but the others have to keep their distance but anytime I have to go away or can't watch them the geese have to be separated by fence and gate. They hate it too but I can't help it.
How is your duck doing today?
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Thanks MissLydia yes she is doing fine today. I try and let the ducks out when I am home and the geese I let out in the yard were there is good grass. My problem is the geese follow me if I leave the pen they follow me if I go back in the pen they are right behind me. they are like dogs. I was cleaning there pools and left the gate open . This project is getting expensive fencing is pricey. My neighbor wants my ducks but he has been losing ducks not the geese just ducks ,I think it is the fox. He has a pond . my guys are spoiled they have a safe pen and I think they will miss there peas Ha. So I think I will have a new day pen made for them. I have 3 acres but the field belongs to the donkeys one donkey in my avatar would not hurt a fly the other any thing is fair game. so I can't put them out there. What is a mother to do Ha.
Thanks MissLydia yes she is doing fine today. I try and let the ducks out when I am home and the geese I let out in the yard were there is good grass. My problem is the geese follow me if I leave the pen they follow me if I go back in the pen they are right behind me. they are like dogs. I was cleaning there pools and left the gate open . This project is getting expensive fencing is pricey. My neighbor wants my ducks but he has been losing ducks not the geese just ducks ,I think it is the fox. He has a pond . my guys are spoiled they have a safe pen and I think they will miss there peas Ha. So I think I will have a new day pen made for them. I have 3 acres but the field belongs to the donkeys one donkey in my avatar would not hurt a fly the other any thing is fair game. so I can't put them out there. What is a mother to do Ha.
Your geese are lovely too. Why do they have to be so hateful lol. I know what your saying we just have to protect the best we can. I have used plastic chicken fencing in places that are inside my no climb fence so that has helped with cost some . But it still gets costly no matter. When I lock my geese out from everyone else they just seem so pitiful they hate to be separated but They just can't understand that the ducks and chickens aren't here for them to pluck and injure. Sometimes I give in and let them in with everyone as long as the gate is open most of the time everyone can stay clear of them but I know those days are getting shorter as we get closer to breeding season and they won't get the luxury of being let in with everyone. It amazes me how anything so gorgeous can have such attitude. lol Glad to hear your duck is doing fine..

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