- Apr 12, 2014
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- 301
I am having issues with my ducks and geese. when I first started this project the ducks were suppose to free range but a fox came around so it caused me to confine them during the day with the geese now the geese especially the big male an American blue decided he hates the ducks especially white ones. I had them loose yesterday I was home the geese got into where the ducks were and sure enough he got my little duclair. This picture is a little bloody so I worn you she was treated so far ok. this goose had her by the back and was lifting her up and smashing her on the ground. I had to grab him to get him off.so now I don't no what to do I feel bad about keeping them up in the pen all the time. I think I have to get rid ether the ducks or the geese. some times things just don't work out the way you want them to. morale of this story don't under estimate the power of geese.