My poor Speckled Sussex :-(


RIP 1938-2020
Jul 6, 2010
She's gone broody and I don't want or need chicks at this time of year so she is trying to incubate 3 Titlists. I could use some new golf balls though, so I'll let you know how this works out.
Funny! You could really enjoy your retirement if she hatches those things out...

I have a LF Barred Rock who went broody a few days ago. I'm done with chicks for the year. And, speaking in golf terms, the only two hens of laying age besides her played through. Each made a birdie, landing their balls, er, eggs, in the broody nest. With the broody in it. After a fashion, the broody hen was quite pleased. The eggs are in the fridge now.

Good luck with yours; I'm not sure what's going to become of mine...
I'd kick her out of the nest, take the balls away and continue to kick her out of the nest or put her in another pen where there isn't a nest box.

Sitting on golf balls will just continue her broodiness
LOL. I have a Buff Brahma (bantam) that has been sitting since July!! I cannot tell you the number of times I have been bitten. She has been working on a purple marble carved egg. I think it's a quitter.
but she won't give it up.
Hmmm, now I'm curious.
Why give the hens something to sit on if you don't want them sitting?
7&8 :

Hmmm, now I'm curious.
Why give the hens something to sit on if you don't want them sitting?

I really don't care as I'm taking 10 - 12 dozen eggs to the food bank each week so one egg a day less isn't going to bother me. The golf balls, BTW, were in the nest before she started--I have 8 nesting boxes all with a couple of golf ball in them so the rest of the birds have plenty of laying places. One thing is that she is very gentle--I just lift her up to take any eggs left there by the other hens and let her settle back down on her "eggs".​

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