My Poor Sweet Lexie!

If I put up a picture of her now, you wouldn't even recognize her, Lee. I just want to keep her in till this really bad cold snap is over. During the day, she can go out into the coop under the heat lamp, if it warms up enough, but tomorrow night, she'll be back inside on a warm bed of straw.
i agree 100%
I know you don't, Lee-you take great care of yours, I know.
I'm not one to have a house chicken, but this is an emergency and with a very special girl. She hasn't made a sound since she settled down for the night, either.
I know all of you understand, too, and I appreciate the support. Lexie and Ivy came to me in a round-about way two years ago, well, almost two years ago. Ivy is also a BR. Feedstore lady shoved a deformed BR chick into my hand, gave her to me suddenly, two months after I bought my original eight from her. I said, I couldn't take one chick home to brood so she reached in and just gave me another one-that one was Ivy. In two days, it was obvious that the first one should be put down, but then, what to do about Ivy? Well, I went back and bought another one, which turned out to be my Lexie, to keep Ivy company.
Poor Lexie. Just the fact that she was standing under that bulb all day long would be enough for me to bring her in. Poor little girl. I bet she slept good last night.

I hate cold...
Lucky Lexie!
I wish I could bring all of mine in right now! It's -1 F right now according to my thermometer. I added another 250 watt red bulb to the henhouse Friday, in anticipation for the cold predicted for the last 2 nights.

Rooster-red, I love yor smilie! It reminds me of "a Christmas Story"
Such a relief when we know they're warm enough...
Now Lexie can really rest at night during this wicked cold (and spur those feathers on!!!). It's just too cold to be naked!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some years ago we had zero degrees day after day after day - brutal. I had a roo who was all puffed up (he wasn't molting). The advice I got at the time was not to worry, that this was just the way they keep warm in the winter (I didn't know BYC at the time and only had feed stores and local farms to ask). Well, his body shut down and he died. I lament greatly not having brought him inside. When I finally did it was too late. I did not do right by him. Whatever the reason, he could not endure the cold and I should have rescued him from it. (they had a draft free coop with lots of straw but it wasn't enough to help him).

Youa re super and I'm sure Lexie is singing your praises in chicken speak!

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