My Poor Sweet Lexie!

I would have brought her in also, even over the protests of my DH who keeps mumbling about avian flu and chickens in the house. I ordered some chicken diapers just for an emergency like that.

Sending best wishes to Lexi, and hopes for all of us that the rest of this winter will be a mild one. . .
kayri, I so understand your problem. My DH wouldn't let me have chickens for 2 years, was worried about avian flu. Then he was worried about snakes coming in from the field behind us. I still bring them in when I need to.
its been so cold here in sc last night and today i had to make a cover for my door going into the run. never have had my chickens stay in the coop in the day time but they did most of the day today and it isnt looking much better for the rest of the the teens tonight and by thursday down to 12.brrrrrrrrrrr.
It climbed to almost 40 in the sun briefly toward the end of the day, then dropped 25 degrees in 3 hours. I think it's about 15 degrees and falling right now. Bet it will be another bonechiller. I just looked-the prediction is 11, but at my house, we are several hundred ft higher than in town, so it may be 5 degrees tonight.
Oh, Cyn, you scared me to death. I have barely been on here for the last week...puppies came earlier than expected and are doing well. I was afraid something had happened to Lexie. I have one red star who is doing the molting thing. First time I have ever seen it!! My dh put 60 wt. bulbs inside the coop...three of them to keep the worse of the cold out. I made sure the thick layer of shavings are kept fluffed up for insulation. Water is not freezing in there but this poor one chicken looks terrible! If it wasn't for this site I wouldn't have known what was happening to her. I have kept my flock inside for the past 24 hours and will continue to do so as long as this cold spell is with us. After reading this thread, I ran out to the coop to check on her. She was off to herself at the end of the roost. I moved her up near where she could get some heat from the bulb near the roost. Some of my roos are nesting in the shavings under a bulb. It is about four to five feet off the floor there. All seem well and comfy so I am leaving the bulbs on till this cold snap is over. I am so glad Lexie is inside where she can be warm. It isn't near as cold here as it is there. It did get down to 10 this a.m. but low is only to be in the twenties tonight. Good luck to all who are experiencing frigid weather!!
I'd have been more distraught right in the title of the thread if she was dead, believe me! That girl means alot to me. Wouldn't you know that I ran out of shavings and straw at the same time? The last tiny bit of straw I had, I put in the Ameraucanas coop since theirs is the only one not insulated. Tomorrow, I am making a run for straw and shavings for everybody, I guess, but I have to collect eggs before they freeze, no small feat in this type weather. Actually, before they get really cold since I am collecting hatching eggs for shipment. That means I have to hang close by to snatch those eggs almost out from under the girls.

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