
Jun 20, 2022
My precious little crooked leg baby just passed away in my arms.
I did everything possible for her and loved her so much.

My heart is shattered in pieces. 💔

Rest In Peace Over the Rainbow Bridge “Baby” I’ll love you always. 🌈
I’m so sorry for your loss. :hugs
Thank you. I just can’t stop crying. I loved her so much. It hurts so bad.. I wish I knew what happened, I did everything humanly possible to care for her. I feel like I failed my precious baby. 😢💔
I’m so sorry for your loss. :hugs
Thank you. I never knew how bad it could hurt. I loved this tiny baby so much. I wish I knew where I failed her. I did everything I could to save her. I just can’t stop the tears..
Thank you. I just can’t stop crying. I loved her so much. It hurts so bad.. I wish I knew what happened, I did everything humanly possible to care for her. I feel like I failed my precious baby. 😢💔
I’m so sorry.
Sometimes you can do everything, and they still don’t make it, unfortunately. :(

For example, I had a hen that had reproductive cancer. We intubated her, syringe fed water, gave her baths, stayed up with her at night, and she still passed away. (Sorry, not sure if that’s helpful)
I am so sorry to hear you lost her. :hugs
Thank you Miss Lydia,
You tried so hard to help me and were so kind and I’ll never forget you.
I just wish I knew why she passed, as you know I asked a million questions and did everything I possibly could to save her. Could it have been something neurological? I just don’t know, she was doing really good and even went in with her siblings. If she was sick I could lose them too. But she had a lot of problems, probably more then we knew.
I had no idea how much I would grieve for her. I can’t stop the tears. I miss her already because at night I’d snuggle her in my bed and she’d sleep under my chin. She would look up at me with her little eyes, so innocent and helpless.
My heart is broken. I planned to care for her for her whole life with all her special needs. But now she’s gone and her siblings have eachother and didn’t imprint with me like she did.
How can it hurt so bad Miss Lydia? 💔
I'm so sorry for your loss. I too just lost two ducklings this week. They pipped on the wrong end, but with some help hatching seemed to be perfectly fine. They survived two days and then suddenly they died. I did an autopsy and there was goo in their lungs that was exactly the same as the goo that came out of their external pips on the wrong end. I did everything to save those babies, but sometimes no matter what we do nature decides to take them back.
I’m so sorry.
Sometimes you can do everything, and they still don’t make it, unfortunately. :(

For example, I had a hen that had reproductive cancer. We intubated her, syringe fed water, gave her baths, stayed up with her at night, and she still passed away. (Sorry, not sure if that’s helpful)
It does help because I did the same thing. I stayed up with her all night to settle her, I syringe feed her, I carried her around in a sling because she imprinted with me. She’d snuggle under my neck every night and look up at me with her innocent, helpless little eyes. And even though she was just a baby she had a lame leg and she couldn’t walk and was blind in one eye. I fell in love with her in her 5 days of life because I was with her every second because she needed me. Thank goodness I’m a teacher and I’m home now.
I never knew it could hurt so bad. I held her for an hour after she passed and just sobbed.
I’m so sorry for your loss as well.

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