My pullet is getting plucked


8 Years
Mar 11, 2011
Western Massachusetts
I have six pullets (3 BRs and 3 Rhodies), all the same age (16 weeks). One of the Rocks (Lil' Peep) is clearly the bottom of the pecking order. She is the smallest. When they eat she comes in low and watches the others closely. Sometimes they give her a peck, she squawks and runs off, then comes back. No bloodletting yet. However, about a week ago I noticed she was missing some main tail feathers. She now has two left. Her tail coverts are find, no bald spots or anything, and they seem to be leaving the last two, sad looking main tail feathers alone. This evening for the first time I saw her get chased by the pullet that is just above her (a Rhodie named 'Sandy') in the pecking order which I didn't like (thankfully she's pretty fast).

Anyway, is it normal for them to pluck tail feathers out like that? I don't think I need to worry (even thought it disturbs me) becauce there has been no bloodletting.

I know a few of mine have had their tail feathers plucked out that way, so I'm going to say yes, it is normal. Try to have more than one feeder though, to be sure everyone can eat. Sometimes the lowest in pecking order aren't allowed to eat at all with just one feeder.
That is the wierd thing, they do let her eat. There are two feeders anyway, but they do let her eat. Sometimes she'll get a peck but she always comes right back. It just makes us sad, I suppose we all want our girls to get along.

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