My pullets and cockerals are affraid of me....

HA! Whatever!

If i'm included in "the rest of y'all," you should know that my story is about 14 week olds that i've had for 11 weeks, and we're not ever talking about anything "cuddly." We're talking about toleration. They come near my feet when they know i have food. But we don't cuddle.

The only one who actually WANTED to be near me was injured and in my house with me for four days. Hawkeye broke my heart the way she loved on me before she passed away because she would scoot on her one good leg across the counter or wherever she was so she could be a few inches closer to me or be able to rest her little head on my chest. And she is the reason that i'm trying all the harder to make friends with my three that i have left.

That said, there's still no cuddling. They just don't necessarily always run squawking away from me when i come near.
Mine are around14 weeks now. I got them at 4 weeks (for two of them) and 2 weeks (for the third one) and they were scared to death of me. They still won't let me handle them during the day but they do run right up to a short, safe distance when they think I have the goodies.

I can handle them (sort of) first thing in the am when I open up the coop and run for them.

The best part is the chicken party at night. When its becoming dusk outside they are drawn to light in the living room. I open the slider and they come inside. I sit in a chair right next to the door and after some himming and hawing they one by one jump up onto the arm of the chair and quickly move to settle on my lap or chest. After a while I carry them to the coop and lock up for the night.

I discovered this tendency by chance one night when I had left the door open and noticed them hanging around it. I stayed very still and watched them until they worked up the nerve to come in and jump up on me.

I see it as a bunch of teenagers trying to stay up past bedtime. If you have a place where you can turn on a light and sit quietly you might try it. They will likely go towards the light as it gets dark outside.
I bet my housecat would LOVE that!

OK - so I'm not the only one not immersed in ChickenLove...for now
They will come...I have Faith...
I gave them some corn from our garden that is almost dead now. They seemed to like it. I need to find cheese and yogurt.

I need to try holding them when they're roosting.

Thanks for all the help people!
They get cuddlier as they age.

When mine were little, they would only sit on my lap if I moved the chair into the run and waited for at least half an hour. Then, one at a time, they would get courageous or jealous or curious enough to jump up. I could only scratch one of them, though.

They are now one year and two months old, and I can't keep them off of me.

Blanche stretches her little chicken neck out and leans her head on my shoulder, eyes closed, while I smooch her comb.

Chicken love.

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