My purebred Ameraucana hen laid a tan egg!!! D=

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They do breed true to the degree the definition calls for. There are faults in birds, but that doesn't mean they are not breeding true. If a bird has a wry tail, side sprigs on its comb, feather stubs on clean legged birds occasionally, does that mean it isn't breeding true? Of course not. Welsummers often have feather stubs on the legs--it's actually quite common, but they would never be considered mutts. They do breed true. Feather stubs are a fault to cull for, as would be a brown egg laying Ameraucana, who obviously has something in the ancestry. Gosh, could be something jumped the fence a few generations back and no one knew it from appearance! That doesn't pollute all Ameraucanas. I am not following your logic here.

Why are you saying they do not breed true from one or two examples? I have not seen a rash of brown egg laying Ameraucanas. In fact, this is one of the only birds that looks to conform to the SOP (to the degree I can see it in the pic) that I've heard of laying a brown egg.

I don't have a dog in this fight-I just want to figure out what the argument is and why we can't stay on topic for the OP's sake. I started with BBS Ameraucanas, then made my own Easter Eggers by crossing my BR rooster over those Ameraucana hens. I don't show them, don't breed them any longer.

So far as the OP is concerned, however, I feel really bad for them because they own a bird that they were assured would meet all areas of the SOP and who obviously doesn't. I would assume that he/she paid a goodly sum of money for the bird or eggs and is now disappointed, as would I be. It's a lose-lose situation all around, not only to the current owner but also to the seller who probably truly believed they had SOP breeding birds. sad

Agree with you.​
Sorry about your chicken! Although she doesnt lay a blue egg she is still very pretty. Be glad you have a happy healthy flock of chickens. Hope everything works out for the best and you figure out what happened. Would it be bad to keep breeding this ameraucana even if she does lay a pink egg? Sorry to ask that, i just dont know much about that breed in general. As long as she meets the breed standards in everything except egg color, why not breed to a nice rooster. Wouldnt the blue egg gene dominate?
I have solid white EEs, with green legs, beards and muffs. The hens lay blue eggs. I breed the hens, and have for four generations, to my solid white bearded, muffed EE roo, and I get solid white, bearded, muffed, green legged, blue egg laying hens from the female progeny. Are they still mutts, or do I now have purebreds? Come on. Ameraucanas are indeed mutts, as are my solid white EEs. But the point is, SO WHAT?! And p.s., if some Ameraucanas lay egg colors other than blue, they are not in fact breeding true! So, mutts.

At this time, even tho your chickens are breeding true, there is no breed in the SOP that a solid white bearded muffed green legged blue egg laying hen would be described as. Now if they had slate legs, then you would have white Ameraucanas as per the SOP, since they would fit that description. No, they arent mutts (I totally despise that term for chickens, they are crosses, not mutts), they are pretty white chickens that lay blue eggs. You could call them EEs if you'd want, but they don't fit the Ameraucana standard, even tho they are breeding true to their own type.
I dont personally see a problem with the word "mutt"; to me, it means exactly the same as a mixed parentage animal, i.e., cross, but to some it does not. I don't use it as anything derogatory, just something descriptive. Well, y'all go ahead and discuss. I'm tired of the merry-go-round.
Oh the bickering....

I have a Black Ameraucana Hen that I bought from EweSheep that bought her from John Blehm (I think I spelled his last name right..) She was awesome in the Show Ring but she lays a green egg instead of a bluish egg.

My point is that there's some unwanted genetics in every breed.

To the OP: Gorgeous Hen you have there!
We bought our first chickens 17 months ago from an Ameraucana breeder. We didn't know anything about the breed. I just thought they were really pretty with their little muffy faces and small pea combs, sweet dispositions and very curious and smart little bantams. All three lay pink eggs. Then I read on the forum that they were supposed to lay blue eggs.
I let the breeder know that for his breeding purposes.

For us, they are nice funny little pets that give us eggs and hours of amusement. Glad we have them.
LOL I was wondering when everyone would jump off this sinking ship LOL, The OP has recieved some very good sounds facts and advice, but as in her other threads she has remained very argumentitive and staunch on her stand and what she thinks is right, This may just be a lost cause but hey !! people we tried LOL right
Wow... I am new to chickens, and did not realize that there is this much snobbery surrounding chicken breeds. I have learned a lot.
To get back to the original topic, I think it is probably a genetic defect or "fault" from a recessive gene, like a pure bred boxer who is born with a white coat- a fault in the breed. It's still a boxer, it's just the wrong color.
Here's our "americauna" hen, who lays a weird buff/tan colored egg:

She is our pet bird, though she's one of 13 pet chickens, she is our good bird friend, and is welcome to visit in our home and watch the internet anytime:

We saw her dating the Silkie rooster, and hatched this pullet in June, who has blue earlobes. She's due to lay in December-ish. Who knows? Could be a blue egg:

Why did we let her "breed" to our sweet, kindly, KINGLY loveable rooster? Because she is a sweet, kindly, friendly, loveable hen. We were hoping to get another personality like theirs'. I was hopeful that they could produce a rooster who could one day replace our wonderful rooboy Mr. Woof. But, she is an EE hen, and a sweet one. The personality traits are priceless.

Egg color isn't all there is to life. I think your WB EE hen is beautiful.
Hence the term "throwback". Like two of my kids. I can personally attest to the fact that my 3 kids "belong"
to their father. He and I both have brown eyes, but we each have a parent with blue eyes. Two of my boys have blue eyes, one has brown eyes.
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