My Pvc Chicken Coop Project

Thank you! I am having fun with it when I can get working on it. My daughter who is 5 is helping me with it, mainly with the painting. I figure the posts and bits I'm going ahead and painting so I wont mess up later XD and its easier to fix mistakes when the pieces aren't attached.
I need to spray paint the PVC pipes white...
I've got to go in a bit and get a load of scrap lumber from a guy about 20 mins from me about 1/2 a trailer load he said, for 20$ and what I dont use here I'll use on the re-doing of my shed ramps
I like recycling and reusing stuff! People's junk can be my treasures!
Hey, lookin good in the neighborhood. I hooked my coop up today and moved it back about 30 feet.
I wanted to put it under some more shade trees. How big is your coop gonna be?

I love your project!! AWESOME
I am a big recycler myself. Why are you spray painting your pipes white? :/what color were they before? My grandaughters just love it. One of them was swinging on one of the cross braces i have on the inside and said she could use it as a gymnasium. They are 4 and forever coming up with the funniest things. Good luck with everything. Pics Picx Picx
Thank you! I am having fun with it when I can get working on it. My daughter who is 5 is helping me with it, mainly with the painting. I figure the posts and bits I'm going ahead and painting so I wont mess up later XD and its easier to fix mistakes when the pieces aren't attached.
I need to spray paint the PVC pipes white...
I've got to go in a bit and get a load of scrap lumber from a guy about 20 mins from me about 1/2 a trailer load he said, for 20$ and what I dont use here I'll use on the re-doing of my shed ramps
I like recycling and reusing stuff! People's junk can be my treasures!
Hey, Thanks for all the feedback!
Just love it. I successfully moved my coop by hooking it up to my lawnmower today, and pulled it back about 30 feet.:weeeyea, i was sooo happy, Everything went smoothhhh.
Good luck with all your projects everybody.
The run will be 7' long by 5' wide cause I had a 4X4 that was already cut to 7' and the other was 8' XD so i compromised lol. then the coop itself isn't going to be but about 4.5X4.5' thats the dimensions of the crate frame, so to make it work i'm going to make 2 nesting boxes on each side of the coop tall wise so it will fit snug with the run.

Though the pallets have turned out to be a no go, the ones I can pull apart i'm tearing to pieces, then the really good ones are so darn well nailed together with 3" nails nail gunned in, I said screw it. XD but I got a decent load of lumber and a very nice door i will use as either a door door or a drop down door (cut it) i got it all from an elderly man who was cleaning up his back woods where an old farm building is, and its full of stuff...and he told me to get what I wanted for 20$ so i got about 8 - 2"X6"X8" boards about 12 - 2"X 4"X6" boards, some odds and ends that were 6' + in like 2"X2" and 1"X6" and stuff. plus the door which is in perfect shape (never was used, one of those nice thick solid doors he had a bunch of them but I only needed 1, and he said i can always come back XD ) also I got about 40 sq ft of 1/4 hardware cloth thats in great shape, no rust, no nada, just was rolled up under the overhang
also I got about 6' section of railing for like a porch or stairs, PERFECT for a roost or even a ramp cause the slat thingys are so close together (like 2-3" apart) he only charged me 15$ for it all so yeah i was pleased.
the idea was to paint them white (cause they were grey XD with the big black lettering on them) but Shawna, my daughter nixed that and we are brush painting them red. We got most of that done today, need to finish the last one (there are 5 poles) but it started to thunder before I got back out to finish, so packed up stuff and fed the last of the critters, put the rabbit back in his home hutch (he was out in his run eating the clovery greens
) and threw everything else in the shed and hauled tail in the house right as the bottom fell out - lol.

I got to go run and get a turkey tomorrow for my neighbor, and going to get me some silkies. gorgeous birds, girl's making me a deal cause I went last week for the turkey and he got away and the turkey whooped my ass XD (he flew up on me and used my shoulders/head as a spring board to get a flight over the 8' fence XD) and I mentioned I was into the silkies. SO my other quarantine coop is being broke out for the 6 new silkies i'm about to be getting.
I'm having all the new birds tested next week, and quarantine them for the 30 I've been through the whole disease epidemic before and had to eradicate mine and my cousin's entire flocks (we'd lived together as roomies at time and had chickens) and I'm not doing it again, though right now I have a small sized flock...before we had to put down about 40 chickens.

but yeah i'm like getting a steal since i've got to go back the 20 miles or so to get the turkey...turkey WAS 30$ now - 25$ Silkies WERE 50$ for flock of 6 ME = 25$ so i will be traveling home with 6 fluffy silkes (5 hens 1 roo) and a gobbler in my car for 50$ not bad at all.
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Hey, Thanks:celebrate PVC is really easy to work with. Easy to tweak up too. Mine is 10" x 24" and easily moved with the lawnmower.
Good luck with your coop.

Yea, sounds like you got some great deals all around.
I just spray painted my poles. Really easy.
Be sure and keep my updated.


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