My quail seems paralyzed and can't walk.

If she's dropping weight and having trouble walking, it is possible that she has an internal tumor putting pressure on her sciatic nerve. The ovaries are a common culprit for tumors in quail hens :( One typically doesn't start seeing tumors and such until hens are ~4 years old. Fingers crossed for your gal!
Egg binding is a possibility and it can actually cause symptoms similar to the ones you are describing, but usually an egg bound quail doesn't live for many days and you should notice it straining, so I don't think she's egg bound. But you can try feeling the area below her vent - if there is something the size and shape of an egg, she might very well be egg bound.
As for how long it'll take for her to start walking after getting her diet corrected - it can be anything from a few days to never. I'd expect to see some kind of change within a few weeks, be it better or worse, but that's as far as I dare guess.

It seems she's not egg bound, I think.

Thanks for the help :)
If she's dropping weight and having trouble walking, it is possible that she has an internal tumor putting pressure on her sciatic nerve. The ovaries are a common culprit for tumors in quail hens :( One typically doesn't start seeing tumors and such until hens are ~4 years old. Fingers crossed for your gal!

The last time she was 250gr, and the male quail is 350gr. I'll check it out again. Thank you.

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