My rabbit buck is not pooping, help please.


12 Years
Dec 28, 2007
SW Ont, Canada
Nothing has changed--same food. Only thing different is I put him in a new cage a few weeks ago.

Is there anything I can give him, do for him? I know horses you give mineral oil when they colic--will this work for rabbits?
If he's not pooping at all I would call a vet, I had a rabbit die from being impacted, it went really fast. My vet did recommend mineral oil but that was for a rabbit who was still passing very small, hard, dry pellets. Then more roughage and exercise to help prevent it. But if he's not pooping at all he needs help right away.
I agree, it does sound like stasis...
He is still pooping a bit, not much though. And he did not eat his food last night.

Funny, when I google--constipated rabbit--I don't get anything close to pertinent info. It does sound like statis. I will not bring to a vet--he is a meat rabbit. I will try all I can to help him. We have given him simethicone, yogurt, let him run around the yard, and right now he is in my laundry room with access to hay yogurt and water. We have massaged him ,we will monitor him, and I will read your page PBP.

Thank you to all of you who responded. I am still miffed that when I tried to look for info on the 'net, I got nothing.

Three cheers to BYC, and BYH, where I also got a response!!!!!!!
A handy item to have on hand is Petromalt or a similar product, sold in pet (And probably some feed stores) for hairballs. If you can't find it with the rabbit stuff, check the cat section and just get the one that isn't meat flavored. This stuff works great, especially if you catch the potential obstruction early.
We had this problem with a doe.

We kept her warm...brought her and allowed her free use of the bathtub in fact.

I used the blender to mix spinach and water into a soup like consistency...gruel really. Then used a syringe to get her to take it. It took 3 days, but slowly things started to move.

This is probably TMI, but we ended up with over 4 feet of impacted bunny poop when we were done.

Best wishes!
He ate some dandelion greens, some hay, and I saw hiim drinking today. He has pooped a bit, but not much. At least he is still going a bit. We're not out of the woods yet, but....

I was reading the nutritional values on his feed today. For fibre, it says minimum 13% max 18%. It should be higher than that, shouldn't it? could that be the culprit?

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