My Roade Island Red was found dead this morning!

olga the orloff

11 Years
Dec 20, 2008
I found her dead this morning and she seemed fine yesterday, I had them in the garden. She layed an egg and was watching me rake her cage. I don't think she went to bed last night. I have 2 other chickens. Should I remove them from the pen and coop. I'm shocked... she has always been the strong leader of the flock.
I had one die without any warning or signs of illness, came out that morning to let them out and she looked like she'd died in her sleep and just fell off the roost! Sad, but does happen!
I don't have any advice other than make sure you keep a good eye on all the other girls. Who knows why things just die sometimes. I'm sorry, I can only imagine how traumatizing it was.

im sooooo sorry this happened to you im hoping the hens stay well
i have lost 2 in the last week, same thing looked fine and then dead. The heat has been 100-104 for 20 days with no rain. AHHHHHH! I cant lose anymore chickens
MINE TOO!!! My Rhode Island Red Julius. I just logged on to see if anyone had any ideas on what could have happened!! I went out to check on them this afternoon and she was curled up next to the waterer! It looked like she had just dug herself into a nice cool spot and that was that! I was crushed! The six girls are 3 years old and everyone was fine--no sign of illness! I checked her thoroughly and there wasn't a mark on her so I ruled out traumatic injury. The unknown is so worrisome--we spend so much time making sure they have food, shelter, security from predators. This sudden death is something we can't protect them from.
Oh my! The same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago. It was a buff orpington hen. I went to get eggs one afternoon and found her laying there dead in the chicken coop! The temperatures have been in the mid 90s. They have plenty of shade, water and places to take dust baths. I was very curious as to what happened until I read this post. Now I know I'm not the only one but I hate to see everyone's losses

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