My rooster can't get enough


11 Years
May 8, 2013
So yeah. What the title says. The coop is filled with ripped feathers. They are all about 5 to 6 months old. The chicks are still pretty fragile. After an encounter with the rooster, one of them couldn't walk for about 1 hour. I was really scared as I thought he broke her legs. About 15 mins ago I hear another one crying, this time the smallest of them. The rooster is almost 2 times bigger than her. It was feeding time too and she didn't eat at all. She is obviously scared and shocked and the feathers on her back look like she just wrestled a bear. She's just sitting on her stick with her eyes closed. I feel really bad for them, even though I know it's natural. I can hear chicks crying 4 or 5 times a day.

When does a rooster get enough? Is there a way to decrease his libido? At this rate, his last date will be the cooking pot in the very near future.
So yeah. What the title says. The coop is filled with ripped feathers. They are all about 5 to 6 months old. The chicks are still pretty fragile. After an encounter with the rooster, one of them couldn't walk for about 1 hour. I was really scared as I thought he broke her legs. About 15 mins ago I hear another one crying, this time the smallest of them. The rooster is almost 2 times bigger than her. It was feeding time too and she didn't eat at all. She is obviously scared and shocked and the feathers on her back look like she just wrestled a bear. She's just sitting on her stick with her eyes closed. I feel really bad for them, even though I know it's natural. I can hear chicks crying 4 or 5 times a day.

When does a rooster get enough? Is there a way to decrease his libido? At this rate, his last date will be the cooking pot in the very near future.
You should probably separate them. I raised my chicks and the roosters were the same way. The hens were not ready but the roosters were. I sectioned off an area for them then chose 2 of them and put the rest into the freezer.
Is that natural? We had nothing even remotely like that when mine were growing up and out boy was pretty rough when puberty first hit. Yet never did it go as far as them being traumatized or hurt like that.

I'd seperate him till the hens were bigger or the first flush of hormones had settled in him. I don't think it sounds natural at all.
It was pretty crazy around here for awhile!! I had one rooster the grew so fast that he looked a different age!! The hens did not know to sit for him, so they would run. You would see him tearing by chasing at a long stride. Imagine 16 roosters, thats what had!! They will tatter the hens, and each other! So I separated roosters from hens and roosters from roosters. There is peace now with 2 roosters and 22 hens! AAHH!

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