My Rooster is acting like he got hit on the Head...?


8 Years
Oct 13, 2011
I'm not sure if it's heatstroke, because he was outside in a stuffy kennel all day (we have to lock our roosters up, because we have 3, and they will fight to the death if more than one is out) and he tipped his water over, but my rooster isn't acting himself. He started acting funny after I went to check on him, and he keeps running into things, and when I put him with the hens he attacked them! (and not in the mating way) Also, whenever I wave my hand in front of his eye (he keeps one closed mostly) he doesn't seem to notice. He is eating and drinking, but only if I hold it in front of his face, and his poop is very runny. Sometimes he seems okay, and then he will go back to acting disoriented. I'm really hoping that it's heatstroke, because earlier today my brother said he was shooting his bb gun in the area where my roosters cage is located, and heard him (my rooster) yelp. I would rather my rooster not die! Please help!

Also, he is 1 year old this June, and is a silkie/americauna mix. We live in Arizona, and temperatures are just beginning to go to 100 F, so we will be moving him to a wire cage soon, FYI.

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