My rooster is not well

& I'll show you the picture of it, his eye is kind of melting down
& I'm really worried, I've no idea what's happening
First that bumble foot & now this
I just want him to be with me & live happily but I'm so sad, he kept having these issues & now I'm so worried bout this, you need to be sure what is it, since you know bout chickens better then me & I don't, I still cannot thank you enough for how you helped me with his foot but now you need to get me through this please.
& I'll show you the picture of it, his eye is kind of melting down
& I'm really worried, I've no idea what's happening
First that bumble foot & now this
I just want him to be with me & live happily but I'm so sad, he kept having these issues & now I'm so worried bout this, you need to be sure what is it, since you know bout chickens better then me & I don't, I still cannot thank you enough for how you helped me with his foot but now you need to get me through this please.

Antibiotics are good. Tylan 50 or Tylan 200 (just different dosages) is the preferred one for respiratory illness, but other mild ones like Duramycin are okay, too. There is an eye ointment that is good if the issue is really just the eye itself, Terramycin antibiotic ointment, purchased from the feed store. It's a tiny tube but costs about $20. However, if it's something bigger than that that is causing the eye issue, a true antibiotic would be what you'd need.

There are limited ways I can help because I don't know what the cause actually is. If a virus, antibiotics will not help. If bacterial, they ought to work for you. If it's just some irritation to the eye and not in his system, the eye ointment will suffice. So, that's really all I can offer. Hope he gets better for you. I know how much you love that rooster.
Well I don't know it's infection virus or irritation, one of my cousin said he needs a injections & then he ll be fine but i don't think injection is a good idea? what if it's too much for him? i cannot risk it, but I also don't know what's that. I'm crying
I can feel him he's in pain
Well I don't know it's infection virus or irritation, one of my cousin said he needs a injections & then he ll be fine but i don't think injection is a good idea? what if it's too much for him? i cannot risk it, but I also don't know what's that. I'm crying
I can feel him he's in pain
What kind of injection, though? I'm sorry that I cannot diagnose him reliably on the web. Is his eye swollen? Foamy? I'm not sure what's going on with your boy. There's really no way to say for sure what's wrong because several things would cause eye issues, including heavy ammonia at his level or a bacterial sinusitis infection or something worse. He could also have issues from heavily aromatics like tea tree oil or camphor. I just don't know. He's already had antibiotics recently.

@casportpony any ideas on this poor rooster? He had bumblefoot and antibiotics for that and now this. Check out the eye pictures in following posts for me, please.
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See his eye is like falling down

There's also some kind of stuff that's coming out of his eye
That's his left eye it has closed, also there's something white like a egg is covering the inside of his eyes can you get any idea from these pictures ?
Idk of its infection, virus or Bactria
you just need to need to me what to do bout it, I'm so worried if something happens to him I'll die too, you don't understand how much i love him, he's always with me so I cannot imagine life without me
Also I applied some oil on his comb? can you please ask somebody else & then tell me what to do I'm so helpless please i beg you
Whatever it is idk, but could you please just me what I'm supposed to do I cannot wait any longer he must be in so much pain
Whatever it is idk, but could you please just me what I'm supposed to do I cannot wait any longer he must be in so much pain
I've been gone all day. My husband had emergency surgery so I just saw this. I honestly have no idea what to do for your rooster. He needs a vet, most likely. I have no idea what this is. Could be bacterial and in that case, antibiotics would be advisable, but I just cannot say what the problem is. It it was a fungal infection, antibiotics would not be good for that so you have to have someone actually diagnose the poor boy. Have you cleaned out the eye with a warm wet cloth to remove that stuff?

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