My Rooster Isn't Crowing???


Apr 2, 2020
Hello Everyone,

It was recommended that I reach out to you. My concern is my rooster that I acquired a few weeks ago is no longer crowing. I brought him home from a friend that had him since he was born last spring. She has too many roosters. I had none. I have 2 hens and want chicks. when he first came to us, it took him 3 days to realize he was the only rooster and started crowing at 04:30 in the morning and all day long. Now..... the last 2 weeks he has not crowed at all. He is only picking at food, not scratching for worms (he was previously), and seems like he is in a fog. I see no discharge or mucous, no coughing/sneezing, his feet, comb, beak and feather look good. Any suggestions or information would be great.



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What does Charlie's poop look like? Since he is a bit sluggish, I would check his crop to see if it is emptying overnight. First thing in the morning, feel of his crop to see if it is empty and flat, full and puffy, doughy, or hard. Look him over for tiny lice or mites. If his crop is full in early morning, he might have a crop disorder that needs treating. If his crop is working, I would treat him for possible coccidiosis with Corid from your feed store. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid per gallon of water for 5-7 days. It is safe for all. Then I would consider worming him with Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer.

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