My Rooster May Not be a Rooster


5 Years
Dec 17, 2014
So quick intro, my family got 5 pullets in April which included two "Americaunas" about two weeks old from a feed store.

The first one, Harpy is obviously a hen, she squats for me and I have seen her lay eggs, the problem is Syra.

Syra has always displayed "typical" rooster behavior: chasing the other hens, and just being more cautious around me, and acts as the boss. After reading some other threads, I though, maybe she's just a dominant hen. Then all of my other chickens started laying (they all have brown eggs except for Harpy) and I thought, Syra must be a rooster.

Now 8 months later, we are getting different colored green eggs (just a shade or three different), Syra has never crowed, and I caught him in the nest with two cold brown eggs and one really warm green egg.

Is it possible Syra is a late laying hen, or is there any other explanations?

I'll add pictures of Syra and then Harpy for comparison. (Any advice helps!)
Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. Post a pic of Syra and we should be able to tell you whether or not she (or he) is a pullet or cockerel. Trying to sex a chicken without a picture is like shooting in the dark. A full body profile showing head and tail will work best. Please feel free to ask any other questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. I hope for your sake that Syra is just a late laying pullet.

Best pics of Syra I have (he was avoiding me and Joan Jett wanted my phone)

Really blurry, ha to use phone

This is Harpy, the one I know is a hen
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

She is a hen. Mostly likely the flock leader. They can be very dominant and do all kinds of crazy things that resemble roosters. LOL When ever there is not a rooster present in the flock, a hen will take this position. Some hens will stay fairly docile, some can become quite aggressive. Hopefully she lays soon.

Enjoy yours lovely flock and welcome to ours!
Thanks so much! Syra has been confusing my whole family (we have raised chickens for a long time, but never americaunas) and at one point I swear her tail feathers were curving.

Anyways, thanks for all the help!

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