My rooster was shot and is still


Mar 7, 2022
Looooong story short-ish. My stepdad decided to take care of our overabundant rooster problem. He resorted to the gun method and without telling me, took out four of them. Well, one of them that he shot is one that I wanted to keep, which was pretty unfortunate...I bonded with that darn rooster (I'm very sad about this). While I was out in the garden I look up and rooster has returned from the dead! Obviously the job wasn't done right on the poor fellow. He is walking, eating, drinking, dragging his left wing around. I can't see any blood or even where he was shot. I'm asking if I should do the more humane thing and just put him out? Should I leave him alone, after returning from the dead he certainly seems like I should give him his best chance at survival by making him comfy and just see where things go? Or should I spend the $$ and take him to the vet? I have no idea how high chicken bills can run you.

Thank you to anyone who can help me! My heart aches for this darn rooster and I just need a little advice on what somebody else would do.
I went out just now to try and take a picture but he ran away and is in his coop. I separated him from everyone else since he is hurt. If he is still doing the same tomorrow I will take a picture and post it.
Ok. I don't think anyone would want to give their opinion on whether he should be put down or not if we can't see the extent of the damage.
First of all, how horrible! I understand having too many roosters, but I wish your stepdad, if he felt there were no other options, had at least talked with you beforehand. I can imagine life at home is more than a little uncomfortable right now.

I have spent a LOT of effort and money trying to give my ailing poultry and other critters a fighting chance. Sometimes, it works, and sometimes, it doesn't.

It sounds like your boy wants to live, which is half the battle, I think. I hope you are able to figure out what he needs and are able to provide it.

Let us know what happens next, please! This is a caring community that will embrace you when you need support and/or encouragement.
That makes perfect sense! Sorry, I googled chicken help and came across this website. First time here. I'll be sure to post pictures in the future for any serious chicken questions.
Welcome! This forum is a fabulous place for information and assistance. Without seeing the wound it would be hard for anyone to determine. As for me, if he's walking, eating, drinking and otherwise acting normal I'd give him a fighting chance (depending on wound) with home treatment. Where you are located will impact how much your vet cost is. For me, vet is pretty much out of the question for our girls. There is only one nearby and it's about $300 for a visit, a fecal test, and an antibiotic. Love my girls but that's just out of the budget for them for a vet who isn't really that knowledgeable.
Giving everyone an update on the rooster, who by the way is called Simon. I decided if he was doing the same today I would take him to the Vet and just see what I could afford to do....he isn't doing well. My stepdad is now traumatized and is unable to finish "the job" and I certainly don't have the heart to do that to my pet rooster. So, I'm just making him as comfortable as possible and I would be surprised if he makes it through the night. :(

Once again my stepdad learned a valuable lesson from this and won't be touching any of my chickens in the future. Also, to prove he isn't *quite* a blood thirsty rooster killer, I've decided to attach the other rooster I love that he DIDN'T kill. Thank goodness. Oddly enough I could never really settle on a name for this sassy guy, who is extra sassy after being put in the coop with the ladies. To make the end of this thread less morose, would anyone want to name him for me? I think it's fitting that my fellow chicken friends that helped me through this a bit can also help me name the surviving rooster.

thank you everyone for answering my questions and trying to help me out!


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