My roosters isnt able to crow properly, he is struggling☹️


May 26, 2023
Lake County California
My rooster is about 19 months old. His crow has been struggling and now he isnt crowing for about 2 days. He is eating fine and acting pretty normal other than a shift in flock dynamics. It seems his position as alpha may hv been taken by my other roo. He is also molting. Would these factor in at all for his crowing issue?
Absolutely. Molting and being subordinated by a dominant rooster can have this effect.
Ahh that was my gut feeling! Poor Theo he was a great Alpha. He isnt sleeping on the top roost either anymore. But most of the hens are on the 2nd roost w him. The new Alpha has only the top hen roosting w him at the top roost. The new evil rulers 🙃 Theyre not the best mannered! Will hens continue to follow Theo even if he isnt Alpha?

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