My school is not understanding

I was always the different kid (& grownup). I just do not see everything the way everyone else does. I got picked on, harassed and ignored almost all the way through school. I ended up hanging out with the other "oddballs". Anyway, what I found out later is that many of my tormentors (and especially their hanger ons) admired me for not working so hard to fit in. They wished that they could have been more independent and not such a sheep (no insult meant to sheep). Do what feel right to you and you will be fine.

Feel better.
Just be yourself....always be yourself!.....thats the most important thing you have in life. and you will see...the rest will all fall into place! good luck!, Wendy
You got some real good advice from everyone. Be yourself and be proud of yourself. You will find out that all the HS crap is just that...crap. With out farmers this country would be in bad shape.

I grew up in a rural town in SW OK. Most everyone farmed or their business was supported by farmers. I moved to ND, married a farmer (who has an ag eng degree) and loves farming, I have since quite my office job and farm with him. It is a great life that alot of people just don't 'get'. There are so many things that farmers can do than other people cant.

Can your classmates pee outside and not have neighbors to see for miles?
Grow your own food? and food for your animals?
Dirve (much less own) a piece of machinery that costs more than most peoples homes, you know?
Farmers don't have bosses or a time clock to punch..per se..its a great life.

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