My Seven Week Old Buff Orpingtons....


8 Years
Apr 14, 2011
Small Town U.S.A., Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
They are going to be 7 weeks tomorrow. My babies, Tara and Madeline play with their chickens every single day. Our Chicks are so loving and friendly. They get tons of attention and it has really made them special. I can tell you how friendly and cuddley they are, but saying is one thing. Seeing is another. I hope you enjoy. They say pictures never lie. I hope they can convey the love that we are experiencing in our little corner of Gods beautiful world.

Madeline with Lily and Jasmine...

Tara with Dixie and Daisy...

And another family portrait
. What a cute clan!

They sure have grown since we got them as day old chicks on April 6, 2011.



And the "baby" picture
. I never get tired of this shot. It makes me smile.
What BEAUTIFUL pictures!!! Beautiful girls *and* beautiful chicks!

I am picking up four BO's tomorrow, along with four SLW''s the first time having each of those kinds. Currently I have 12 black sex-links, one Delaware banty and four RIR's.

I'm curious, what are the colored things on their legs for? I'm sure it tells you something?

What kind of camera do you use? It takes wonderful pictures!

Thanks for sharing.
You have a lot of chickens! These are our first chickens and it has been such a wonderful experience so far. You are going to LOVE your Buffs! Whatever you do, just handle them A LOT. They thrive on human contact.

I put colored Zip ties on their legs so we can tell who is who. I suppose we really don't need them now, they all have differences that we can identify, but I think they're kinda pretty. Like a bracelet.
As they grow, we put new ones on.

My camera is a Digital Rebel XTI, but I also have several lenses. The lens used in these photos is an 80 mm. fixed. Photography is my creative outlet, and my children are my inspiration

Thanks for stopping in to see us.
Well, let me tell you a little secret.....they're addictive! I don't know HOW it ballooned so much, really! lol I have a good friend that is no help at all.....she's always telling me where I can get more chicks. haha

The four RIR's are about 6 weeks old and I am moving them out to the coop to integrate them with the big flock, although they will stay in a pet crate until the ladies get used to the young ones.

Then tomorrow I go pick up the four BO's and four SLW chicks. My mama hen who is sitting on 7 turkey eggs and three Americauna eggs right now.....of those eggs we are only keeping the chicks that hatch from the chicken eggs. However many turkeys hatch, will go back to my friend. I am not ready to do turkeys just yet. Maybe someday, but not 'til I have more room! Right now I have one chicken coop.

Do you have a coop yet for your girls?
Thanks msudawgs
The Buff Orps are certainly a special breed. A friend of mine recommended them to me for a kid friendly bird. I started to research them, and there was no turning back. I'm happy we have them. Any BO owner can relate.
Well, let me tell you a little secret.....they're addictive! I don't know HOW it ballooned so much, really! lol I have a good friend that is no help at all.....she's always telling me where I can get more chicks. haha

The four RIR's are about 6 weeks old and I am moving them out to the coop to integrate them with the big flock, although they will stay in a pet crate until the ladies get used to the young ones.

Then tomorrow I go pick up the four BO's and four SLW chicks. My mama hen who is sitting on 7 turkey eggs and three Americauna eggs right now.....of those eggs we are only keeping the chicks that hatch from the chicken eggs. However many turkeys hatch, will go back to my friend. I am not ready to do turkeys just yet. Maybe someday, but not 'til I have more room! Right now I have one chicken coop.

Do you have a coop yet for your girls?

I can see how easily chicken flocks can grow. They are just so fun!! My coop is "almost done", but hubby is just not getting it done. Hopefully soon. It's not too bad though. The Run is 12x4 and the coop is 4x4. When he's got it done, I'll paint it nice and pretty. Here a somewhat recent picture of it:

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