My Silkie chick was taken by a dog

I am so sorry for your loss. I totally understand I lost 4 year old girls to a neighbors dog over a month ago. It jumped the fence tore open the chicken wire run and killed most of them in the run but one he chased and she almost made it under the fence to get away. It is heart breaking and the dog owners have no sympathy. I am getting better day by day but I totally understand how you feel. Keep them in unti lyou get it all fixed, good luck!
I feel your pain...the favorite of our three silkies was just carried off by a raccoon. I woke up to the screams of my silkie hen...ran outside chaised the racoon over the fence with my Rocksy in its mouth :( I should have done more. I should of takled that raccoon. It's so so sad. I'm so sorry for your loss.
You have my total Chihuahua got my Lily (blue EE chick) last week and it was totally my fault. It is so heartbreaking and there's no reset button or do-over. (((hugs))).

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