My Silkie chick was taken by a dog


7 Years
Feb 16, 2012
North East, Maryland
It's my fault. It's my husband's fault. Accidents happen. **** happens. It's nobody's fault. Blah blah blah. I took it hard. I've played it over and over in my head. It's taken a week to get back here to post because I just couldn't handle it. My baby silkie who was just over a month old, Peanut, was taken by a neighborhood dog while we were out to dinner. I found feathers on the ground where she was taken. The other five birds were fine because they could fly away and escape. But not Peanut. She was trapped and couldn't get away so she is gone now. I laid down in the yard and just sobbed. It's hard now, a week later to even type this without getting emotional. I was so thrilled to have a silkie. I felt so blessed. She was so sweet, so gentle and just my baby. I absolutely adored her and without a doubt she was my favorite. Now she's gone. I still have the other five and they are doing marvelously. The part that tears me up the most was I can't imagine what it must have been like for her. I hope it was fast and painless. I prayed to God she didn't suffer. I miss her dearly.

Peanut R.I.P.

So sorry.
And I can completely sympathize with the pain you're feeling. I think most people on the here have lost that super special bird to one thing or another (predator, disease, time).

I would caution that your run has chicken wire on it. I don't know if what got your Silkie went through the wire this time but I can promise, sooner or later, something will. Chicken wire only keeps chickens out of areas, but it's tinfoil to predators and the average dog. Please replace it with hardware cloth which was smaller holes so predators (racoons in particular) can't grab hold and pull parts of your babies through the wire. It costs more, but it makes up for it in lives saved.

Keep in mind a covered run (for air borne or climbing predators) and a dig skirt (for digging preds) would be the safest set up for your babies.
I'm so sorry....
I know I worry constantly about my chicks...I thought this was supposed to be fun??!
I made my husband leave a restaurant very quickly the other day because I was certain I left the laundry room door open (that's where my brooder is) and we have dogs and cats wandering around. Of course, when we got home the door was shut and locked and everything was fine, but OMG I was in a panic!! Hopefully some of this worry will subside when they get older, but I doubt it
I hope you feel better soon, I know it is a tremendous loss....
Oh gosh, I felt your pain just reading this and it brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry.
It's amazing how attached you get to these little things, and she was a beautiful chick. I hope that someday you'll get another little silkie that will grab your heart even more. Hugs to you.
Thanks everyone. It's hard to tell others about it because they just don't understand. It isn't like having your fish die. It's like a rabbit or kitty. She was so special and I actually miss her.
Awww...hugs to you. I know what you mean about others not understanding. That's one of the reason's why BYC is so great. Everyone understands... BTW, if you don't mind me saying, I totally concur with the above post about investing in hardware cloth and about covering the top of your run if it's not already. Even if the dog didn't go through the chicken wire to get one of your birds this time, eventually something will. I learned that lesson the hard way and I don't want it to happen to you after suffering the loss of Peanut. :(
Well you all were right. Before we could fix the chicken tractor, another bird is gone. This time I forgot them outside too late. By the time I got out there Daffodil was gone. She was the next favorite. Aren't they all favorites??? This is so hard. I'm not using the chicken tractor any more until it's fixed.

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