My silkie just ate an egg!! Please help


6 Years
Aug 28, 2013
A silkie that I bought this week ate a egg. :he. She was very expensive and she is the cutest little thing. Giving her away and culling her is obviously not an option. I put white goofballs in here cage and she thinks they are eggs. She won't stop pecking the goofballs. Do you think she will realize that she cannot break them and give up, or will she keep on trying. She is so cute and ideally like her:( Thankyou!!
don't worry its normal for chickens and ducks to eat their eggs - its usually if their diet lacks protein, or they are just hungry. golf balls are a good idea, although someone told me that if you blow out the contents of an egg through a tin hole, then somehow fill the egg with mustard and put it in the coop, they will eat it, realise it's disgusting and never eat eggs again. I've never tried this with any of my birds, but it is supposed to work - dispite sounding a little harsh! my indian runner ducks will not stop eating their eggs either, but runners are really bad brooders and very naughty!! good luck, let me know if you try it :)
I tried it but it didn't work too well... She did not like the mustard but wanted the egg shell.. I set out oyster shells today.. Maybe that will help. I have two bantam silkies.. I keep them separated from my standard flock... So the other girls won't pick up the behavior. If worst comes to worst, I will just have two egg eating silkie pets lol... They are still cute and fluffy :D
haha what a cheeky chicken! hopefully she will grow out of it, she is quite young and has probably only been laying for a maximum of three months! I'm glad you tried it out - even though it didn't work as well as planned! Yes oyster shells sounds good - I give my chikens oyster shells to help with digestion and shell production - this might be what she was lacking- unless she was just a cheeky chicken! good luck! :)

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