My Silkies ???


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 14, 2012
Is it Normal for silkie babys to tear up papers that is being used for their cage that is in the house they are 4 to 6 weeks old and i have had bedding in there for them but they wont keep it in the cage . What else can i do for them ?
Yes, and be careful if you are just putting in sheets of newspaper as it can be hard for them to walk on even at that age.... They are doing what comes naturally, scratching the "ground" which in their case in newspaper. I would suggest watching them carefully a they really don't need to be ingesting newspaper.... Great luck!
Use pine shavings...if you use newspaper it become slippery and can defrom their feet...also, be careful their crop canget impacted...i had a silkie die from eating hay.

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