My "So Called Gander!"


13 Years
Feb 15, 2011
Palmer, Alaska
I went out to check on the Pilgrim geese (and the one special needs Toulouse goose!) to see if they'd hatched any babies. My Toulouse hatched out 7 goslings and they all started during around the same time.

Turns out "Simeon" is in fact "Simone!"😠

All those wasted eggs!🤦‍♀️😥🤦‍♀️

Now I have to find a Pilgrim gander. I found a hatchery that would sell 1 gander (they didn't have any other names OR females!) & one Muscovy duckling for $44+, which was awesome... until I added shipping....$39+!!!

Not happening! It INFURIATES me when companies either won't ship to AK or HI OR they gouge the heck outta us!

I've had other hatcheries send my ducks / birds without the exorbitant pricing, but unfortunately they're ak out of Pilgrims!😔

If I can figure out how to upload a photo, would you experts PLEASE tell me what bed of goose Simeon / Simone may be? TIA!
He / she is 3 now, has been with the 2 females (I'm sure of that because they lay eggs!) & none of the eggs are fertile. Also, he/ she sat on them like a female does to hatch them. Non stop, except for the occassions broody poops & only ate then!🤦🤷
He / she is 3 now, has been with the 2 females (I'm sure of that because they lay eggs!) & none of the eggs are fertile. Also, he/ she sat on them like a female does to hatch them. Non stop, except for the occassions broody poops & only ate then!🤦🤷
Has that goose/gander ever laid an egg?
Have you tried vent sexing?

(I'm just curious, wondering whether someone sold you a wrongly-colored Pilgrim female, or whether you have an infertile male.)
Dunno...all I know is he / she was in with the other 2 I know are truly females, sitting on eggs like a broody hen!🤷‍♀️

I moved him / her into a different pen & just today brought home a 3 yo Pilgrim gander a friend bred.

Time will tell..
The simple way to figure out sex when your really not sure on a adult goose is feather testing. its about 15.00 and plucking the feathers is easy. with geese its the down feathers around there vent. Had 3 girls magically turn into boys just like that. Yep this season there all boys.. There is at least 1 pilgrim geese group on facebook. posting that your looking for a male and that your in AK never know. Also look to Canada. there are some great breeders there.
Iv always found in life if your looking for something someone may have looked before you and found a path. Alaska is huge so I hope for your success.

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