My son wants an "ugly" chicken

Ya I can't bring myself to be okay with getting a Turken. They are to ugly even for us haha. His opinion of ugly probably matches others opinions of beautiful, so far I think he looked into rumpless breeds, that breed that's feet get crazy big and over grown and, the biggest breeds he could find. He has decided we need a Silkie though haha
Silkies aren't an ugly breed to me XD. I'd go with the turken.
Turkens, dragon footed, polish (which I think are adorable but they look wacky), Silkies (also adorable), Eatser Eggers (some have beards), and showgirls.
Most of these aren't even ugly at all, (expect for maybe the dragon foot and turkens) but they have unusual features.
So I guess that all of the people that say their other chickens beat the crap out of the silkies are just lying then. THAT I why I said what I did. I have seen it over and over. And I'm not an idiot, I know silkies are chickens.
Oh gee, my apologies if it came off like that. :oops:

Things always happen and NO stereotype is accurate across the board even if they DO have good cause for being stated.

I NEVER called you a liar or an idiot. We are all friends here and to support each other.. your information IS 100% valid. I was only attempting to offer a DIFFERENT perspective and not be abrasive or dismissive. :hugs
now that is an ugly chicken, it's comb is so big that it probably can't see anything straight in front of it.

Nature wouldn't produce anything like that, only selected inbreeding so great example.
Uh, what the heck? That is extremely rude of you to say. MysteryChicken is a person who puts tremendous amounts of time and effort into her breeding and her birds, and 'selective inbreeding' is NOT a thing that she does. Clearly, nature produced it, because that is the chick that hatched out of an egg from a hen.
I think La Fleche aregorgeous, but I've heard lots of folks say their comes look like devils' horns. They're def the heavy metal chicken.
I think they are elegant breed. Maybe the OP should look into sourcing White Faced Black Spanish for an unusual looking breed. They are also known as clown face chicken. While a very rare breed. Doable to find the right breeder.

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