My son was right! Scary!!

lol Mr Chicken..

Ghosts are weird creatures, if thats what you can call them.

When I was middle school age my mom use to take my sister to school then go to work leaving me to get ready on my own. A few times getting out of the shower I would hear foot steps slowly across the floor. Our house creaked in certain spots and almost every step someone took it was creeking. I could hear them going up and down the hall. After the first time it happend I started taking the cordless phone in the bathroom with me. One morning I heard my name being called. It first started like a whisper then got louder. I called my mom crying and begging her to come home. She had me look all around the house while on the phone with her. Nothing, of course, was there.

Late nights I use to wake up and hear the footsteps. Lucky me my sister and I slept in the same bed till I was 17 and pregnant

I never woke her up to hear them but would always get on the other side leaving her to be the first victim if something was coming through that door.

Once my parents divorced we moved into the master bedroom (my sister and I). My mom would never sleep in that room and always on the couch since I can remember.
I woke up many of nights feeling like something was peering at me, hovering right above my head. It scared me so bad a few times I sent my fist out in furry just to make sure (then Id hide under my covers
). That is the same room I saw the grumpy looking old man.

My mom said she could feel him and knew the path through the house he would take. It was from the window A/C through the dining to the washer and dryer through the wall to their bathroom and out into their room.
My father never saw or felt him. My mother never saw him but said she would feel him. She said while she was doing laundry she could feel him staring at her, angry she was in his pathway.

Once after xmas my sister got one of those Tumbalina toys. She had left it in the kitchen which was right next to the living room where my mom slept. My mother said she awoke to that doll laughing HEHEHE and moving across the floor.
UGHHH! That just reminds me of that part in the movie Poltergeist when the little robot is moving and laughing
I'm with you Mr chicken dude, there are reasons for Unexplained Phenomenon, then they become Known Phenomenon. If you have ever seen ball lightening or plasma balls (I have) a person might seek explanation elsewhere. I've also seen St Elmo's fire and foxfire, no ghosts there. Check out some of the ghost videos that turn out to be a unfocused bug crawling on the lens------hahahahahahahaha.
Yeah,,,, pretty interesting what you can do with fishing line, sound effects, and suitable lead in text to set the mood. A friend of mine is a Magician ( illusionist ) and I learned what to look for in these things. "nothing up my sleeve" but look what clenched between the knuckles of the other hand.....hahahahaha.
Kansaseq, when you mentioned the black tarantula, THAT took me back. Twice.

The first time was when I was in the "playroom" (where we had our toy chest and such at our house). I looked up to see a BIG black spider, I mean the size of my palm on top of the toy chest. I screamed, and just before my mom came in, it went down behind the toy chest. I finally was coherent enough to tell her what happened, she looked ALL over that room and through the chest. NOTHING.
The second time was possibly more explainable, but I was at my uncles farm and went down to the barn. I lifted my hand up to the handle on the milkhouse door(it was dark out, shadows were reflected across the door from the yard light and from a crack of light from the lit up barn.) when one of the "shadows" moved, a HUGE spider and it looked exactly like the one I saw when I was younger.
This time I didnt scream, just moved back in disgust. I tried to tell my uncle about it when he came in from chores but I think he thought I was insane.
You might also want to consider the possiblity of a portal in your son's room. Now, this doesn't necessiarily mean a portal to h*!! or anything like that, just one in which spirits can enter or watch. This can happen in any place. We had our home built and moved in. After about a year, when my son was around 7, he started coming up to our room in the middle of the night to see if he could sleep with us. I didn't think anything about it the first few times, but it became an almost nightly thing. I sat down with him and asked him if there was a reason he didn't want to sleep in his room. He said he "didn't like them watching me." When I asked him who was watching him, he said he didn't know, but they were watching him all the time (we live about 15 miles out of town in the middle of 40 acres, so not a lot of neighbors around to be peering in windows). I asked him where they were and he pointed toward the ceiling in the corner of his room. I had a friend come over who is sensitive to this kind of stuff and was showing her around the house. I hadn't told her anything about what was going on, but when we entered his room, she kind of went, "hmmm, this is interesting" and asked me if my son had mentioned anything unusual about his room. I asked her why and she said, it appears he has an open portal over here and pointed to the same exact spot that he had pointed to. Talk about hair standing up! Anyway, she said it didn't feel like anything evil or with bad intent, but that it sometimes could put people off. I told her what had been going on and she said it just felt like they were watching over him, but if it was bothering him we could do a ceremony to close the portal. We aknowledged the spirits and that they had no ill intent, but let them know it was bothering him and could they please stop or do so in a less intrusive way. We invited them, if they were beings of light, to bring their positive energy in a way that was healing and joyful. We then smudged the room with white sage and cedar (with the window open). After that day, he slept in his room without coming up into our room anymore. A few weeks later I asked him about being watched and he said they weren't watching him anymore; they were still around, but not bothering him like before. Anyway, just something else to explore. Good luck with it all.
Yeah, but Einstein's bomb taught us that matter is energy. Clutter is made of matter. So, if clutter is matter and matter is energy, then clutter is energy. Would stand to reason that the more of it you have, the more energetic you'll be.

That's my working theory, anyway.

So, on the ghosty stuff.....the wall clock in our living room kept losing the correct time. We noticed it when we got back from our honeymoon.. I replaced the batteries in it several times, and it might go days with the correct time before being suddenly wrong again...but it kept screwing up. The weird part was that once we noticed that the time was wrong, we noted that it was still keeping time; for instance, an hour after you realized it was wrong, it would show an hour past the wrong time you noticed initially...if that makes any sense. I couldn't quite explain it, but I just figured the clockwork in it had gone bad somehow and made plans to fix it.

Just as I wrote it off as bad hardware, the oven clock started displaying the wrong time. That happened several times. The oven clock's digital, though.. I thought it might have been a power outage as the oven clock doesn't flash like a normal digital clock does when it loses power, but all the other digital clocks do...and none of them flashed when the oven time came up wrong.

And, no, they weren't being set to any specific time that I could tell...they were just being reset to different times and proceeded to keep perfect time after that. It was almost like something was trying to confuse us, because whenever the wall clock was wrong we'd glance into the kitchen -- at the oven -- to see what time it *really* was.

We basically joked about it being "the ghost," and talked about how it might actually trick us one day if it ever changed the wall clock and the oven clock at the same time!
Weird thing is, I dunno if something just wanted us to openly recognize what it was doing and that we "got it" or what, but as soon as we started referring to the occurance as "the ghost" quit. The oven and wall clock have been fine ever since, and this happened in like...2006?

No other clocks in the house were ever affected.

As for the history of the place... It's old. Like, stone foundation and hand-cut hardwood rafters old. A buddy of mine works for the county fire department.. He said the previous owner had died in that house -- said it kinda spookily, as if he wanted to rattle me or whatever
-- but I found the obit which listed him as having died at the local hospital. Could be that he died in the house and was pronounced at the hospital, though. I really don't know. We know he was a stroke victim and spent the last years of his life in a wheelchair.. We also know that after he died, his wife family moved out of that house and into a trailer the family moved right next to it.

They basically left the house to rot.

We have no idea why that is, but they did.

The house was later renovated -- wall to wall, floor to ceiling -- after the property was sold at auction. We bought it halfway through the reno and waited for it to be completed. I've never felt uncomfortable there, nor has my wife. Pretty much everyone who has visited the house says that...while it's obviously small, laid out weirdly, and is just overall quirky -- people say it's "comfortable" or "cozy" or "intimate" or use some adjective like that. Folks have a tendency to come inside and 'sit a spell,' as it were.. We've had a couple of guests to actually nod off on the couch...could be we're just terrible conversationists, though.


Anyway...that house seems to have the opposite effect of creeping people out. It's almost like it's "home" to everybody who sets foot in it.


I dunno.. Anybody know what to make of any of that?

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