My Temperature dropped down to 90 after adding eggs!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 21, 2013
Is this ok? I read somewhere that the temperature will drop immediately. Which it did. Should I adjust the thermostat? or will that cook the eggs. And my humidity is super high even when theres no water in there... how do i lower it?? The temperature is going up though. and my humidity right now is 59%, is that ok for now??
Sounds about right for now. My temp always drops when I add eggs, I just leave the thermostat alone. It eventually warms the eggs to the temperature that the incubator was before they were added.
ok thanks!! the humidity was starting to form condensation so i took the water out, but it looks like my incubator's humidity is going up even without the water. And its only been 90 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. but now, its going up. I think its because the eggs were a lot colder than the temperature inside the incubator. Its up at 97 right now and the humidity is 65%. Thanks for the great advice. Its nice to know about that 80 degree thingy.
Thank you! I was sooo worried. This is my second try. I was worried for a second that i've already killed the eggs. Thanks for the info. The temperature is going up after about an hour.

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