My temporary run


13 Years
Jan 28, 2009
Cecil Co. MD - 5Yrs. Chickens 4Yrs. Ducks


you guys are funny! oh I forgot to put cushions back...hahahah. but they seem to not mind and still sit and SWING. I thought it would be poopier but so far its not. they must aim the pooper off the swing. I know you were kidding....but "we" like the swings. so of course, my chickens do also. with that in mind, one might want to consider whether or not they want a lap chicken in advance. I CANNOT sit outside without at least one, usually three buff orps in my lap. not complaining just comprehending. hahahah.
oh the little buff didn't get out, she is thinking about going in. she wants to switch gangs I think. Her two brooder mates turned out to be roosters and are getting alittle frisky. she's not so sure about it and seems like she would rather hang out with the 2 other hens and their black copper boy who is not quite mature as the orp roos.

or I am reading too much into her behavior. maybe she just wants their food.....
hey if it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the fabric?? Screen or sun shade?? I need to put some over my pen to keep mine in! Don't want to buy wire but am thinking screen might work!

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