Hi everyone.
I need help with my turkey eggs.
I tried to hatch some eggs twice and I failed.
The first time was naturally, as The eggs turkey mom laid on the eggs, but at the end of the period only 3 chicks hatched and the rest of the chicks died within their eggs and never hatched. I thought it was becuz she left them cool down after the first 3 of them hatched ( from which she killed two by stepping on them :'( ).
So i decided to buy an automatic incubator with automatic control of temperature and humidity. I placed 56 eggs within. Knowing that it took turkey chicks 28 days to incubate and hatch. I did everything written within the user manual.
In day 29 a healthy chick hatched and survived till now and it started to learn to eat by himself.
Another one died while trying to crack its egg.
One died immediately after hatching.
Two died in day 3 and 4 of hatching.
Two hatched in day 31, one is very weak and seems like it's dying and the other is surviving.
Today is day 33 and the other 49 eggs show no signs of hatching
I don't know what to do or what went wrong ?!!
Should I try assisted hatching now or they would be dead already?
I need help, my heart is broken
I want to know what can I do for the current not-hatched egges.
What should I do for those poor three chicks that already hatched.
and What could possibly go wrong during the incubation?
I need help with my turkey eggs.
I tried to hatch some eggs twice and I failed.
The first time was naturally, as The eggs turkey mom laid on the eggs, but at the end of the period only 3 chicks hatched and the rest of the chicks died within their eggs and never hatched. I thought it was becuz she left them cool down after the first 3 of them hatched ( from which she killed two by stepping on them :'( ).
So i decided to buy an automatic incubator with automatic control of temperature and humidity. I placed 56 eggs within. Knowing that it took turkey chicks 28 days to incubate and hatch. I did everything written within the user manual.
In day 29 a healthy chick hatched and survived till now and it started to learn to eat by himself.
Another one died while trying to crack its egg.
One died immediately after hatching.
Two died in day 3 and 4 of hatching.
Two hatched in day 31, one is very weak and seems like it's dying and the other is surviving.
Today is day 33 and the other 49 eggs show no signs of hatching
I don't know what to do or what went wrong ?!!
Should I try assisted hatching now or they would be dead already?
I need help, my heart is broken
I want to know what can I do for the current not-hatched egges.
What should I do for those poor three chicks that already hatched.
and What could possibly go wrong during the incubation?