My turkey will not get off her empty nest


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 26, 2012
London, UK
Help, my turkey will not get of her nest. I have to physically remove her so she will eat and drink. She is starting to loose condition and looks terrible. She has no eggs to lay on, but did adopt an empty bowl at one point. What is best for her as it is too late to let her have young. We were going to get her a boyfriend, will this help?? She lives with 2 chickens at the moment.
Awwww, poor baby. Not sure what to tell you. I don't think that a boyfriend will help. Sounds like she is determined to have babies. Can you buy a couple poults or even baby chicks somewhere and sneak it under her so that she will think that she hatched them?
I did try blocking her from her nest but she just settled somewhere else! She is very stubborn, I am worried about her mental health as well as her losing condition. I even loced her outside for a few hours and she just started nesting in some soil. LOL.
Well it sounds like you have done all you can.
But you know some times the first Idea is the best what could hert with getting her one or two friends Turkeys are by nature very social animals.
Best of luck to you.
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If you do not want to buy her adoptive babies, then I would say your only hope is to buy a cple more females. I know when one of my hens gets a mind to wander off and do her own thing, they always seem drawn back to the other turkeys if they do not follow.

I say she needs buddies to help teach her what to do, because it sounds to me like she is trying REALLY hard to make some companions herself
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I have never had your problem myself, because my hens haven't, so far, gone broody in the winter. If I had tried everything you already have, the only thing else I would try, would be to suspend her nest from a rope over a beam or rafter, like a swing, so when she tries to set, it would sway gently. This works, I am told, with chickens, so maybe it will with turkeys, too!
Sorry, that's all I can think of, other than baby chicks and a heat lamp!

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