My Turkeys Are Gonna Be TV Stars

The big feeder is one of these hog feeders:

took the "doors" off the bottom of it so the trough part is open.

I also use baby pig feeders like this for some of my birds:

if you noticed the feeder up high on the wall, that's just a rabbit feeder that I put up there for the pigeons.

Thanks everybody for the nice comments. I'm glad I didn't look like a bafoon.
I watched It, and looks like not just your turkeys, but you too are a TV star! Di you have any control over what was on the show? Like did you tell them i want to show the babies? Or I want to show the feeding? Or did they have their own ideas on what they wanted in it?
They had basically just said, what can you show us, what kind of work is involved in what you do?

And so we just touched on the tip of the basics. There was a lot more said and done in the original filming that was cut out for the final clip. I had showed them turkey eggs, little babies (which they did show one of them in passing), juveniles, etc., and talked about a lot of other stuff that didn't make it into the final clip.

There were a couple things that I had said DON'T show this or that, and they didn't. lol

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