My two Buff Orpingtons-same age and such a difference in their faces!


8 Years
May 5, 2011
Kansas City, Missouri
Big Buffy is on the left and Sweetie is on the right-I think they are both girls-they are the same age but Big Buffy is so much redder in the face-bigger comb and wattles. They will be 15 weeks old in two days. I have read that Buff Orpingtons really vary in how fast they mature-but I'm starting to wonder if Big Buffy is a he? Any opinions?

A rooster for sure! I just went through this. I was in denial. I decided to await a egg or a crow. The very next morning, that boy crowed!
I did find him a really great home and he is living happily ever after.
I think buffy could be a hen. They have to start getting red sometime, and should start laying at 18-20 weeks. A profile body shot would help, to look for saddle feathers and thicker legs, plus the body color is richer on cockerals.
You for sure have 1 rooster and 1 pullet. I have two Buff Orpington roosters (15 weeks July 30th) that look just like yours. One started crowing a couple weeks ago, the other should start any day.
I don't think it's a rooster at all. My BO are the same age and one has a huge waddle and comb and the other has a very small one. And they are both hens because they are both laying! What is its behavior? I say they are both females. Some just take longer to develop.


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