My very first goose baby!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 5, 2013
Adorable! Now what? we took him away from the parents, have him somewhere warm. He has water....when does he start eating? He must have hatched this morning some time.
Why did you take him away from his parents? Geese generally make EXCELLENT parents - and it is so much easier to let them do all of the work.
Because something has been eating my pigeons and I didn't want to take a chance. what?

I raised my Seb's but they were already eating grass when I got them...a week and a bit old. This is little newer than I'm used to. what?

I raised my Seb's but they were already eating grass when I got them...a week and a bit old. This is little newer than I'm used to.
If just hatched it probably won't want to eat for at least 24 hrs. they live off the yolk sac I'd go ahead and dip it's bill into some water though and put both feed and water close by. Make sure the little one can't climb into whatever you use for it to drink out of, then tomorrow cut some grass sod and bring it in and put it into it's brooder. it will munch on the grass and eat some of the dirt[grit] to help it chew the grass. Hopefully you have the temp between 80-85* and If I was you I'd get the place your keeping the geese and the rest of the flock Very secure and give this little one back to it's parents. Does the goose have anymore eggs in her nest, This gosling would do so much better having one of it's own with it.

great waterer for baby water fowl
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Thank you! The Mom has 4 or 5 more eggs. I would dearly love for the parents to raise them but at this time it isn't possible. We thought everything was super secure but something keeps getting my pigeons and I just can't take a chance. We never had a single egg hatch last year so these guys are going to be protected like fort knox.
Thank you! The Mom has 4 or 5 more eggs. I would dearly love for the parents to raise them but at this time it isn't possible. We thought everything was super secure but something keeps getting my pigeons and I just can't take a chance. We never had a single egg hatch last year so these guys are going to be protected like fort knox.
Hope you get more to hatch. keep us updated on baby and hatching.

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