My very first stupid human trick of 2010

I've done this stupid human trick more than once.....

The setup: I store my cast iron skillets in the oven....

So I turn on the top oven, forgetting the big skillet is in the oven. Then I go to put whatever into the oven, swear, and pull out the skillet, carefully using a hot pad (potholder), and place it on the top of the stove. Then I continue cooking...can anyone guess where this one is going? Yep, need to move that lovely, hot, heavy, iron skillet, so I reach out with my bare hand, firmly grasp the handle, 'cause it's heavy ya know, and then I drop it, while inventing whole new words. Dinner and my hand end up burned, and the kids have learned a whole new vocabulary of things not to be repeated.

The sad fact of the matter is I've done this two or three times. How many times before I learn 1. to check the oven before I turn it on, and 2. if I don't check, how to remember that cast iron stays hot a loooonnng time.

The cast iron skillets in this house used to be stored in the oven. When I moved in, I found a different place to store them to prevent incidents like you described.
The monster skillet - 20 incher (who needs a skillet that big???) - is stored way outta my reach to prevent lethal accidents.
I have had my first for the year as well... I just finished moving last night and put a small heavy wooden box in the bathroom so i could walk down the hall.. Well I forgot abnout putting the bathroom practically ran in the bathroom with a huge load of dirty clothes and full force slammed my lil toe into said box.. Now I have a broken Baby toe and It hurts....
20incher Thats a Chicken Fryer, baby.. YUMMMY

That's what DH tells me. You can fry an entire chicken in it at once.
I guess the good news then is - how likely is it that the fire alarm will go off again at that exact moment? Hope your foot is healing up well!
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So far so good!
My bf made the comment that since I've already started "carving a new foot, why not just cut that part off?" Ugh. Men.

Stupid fire alarms. They make this random beeping noise too. I can't WAIT until they come and do the fire inspection next week...
mom'sfolly :

I've done this stupid human trick more than once.....

The setup: I store my cast iron skillets in the oven....

So I turn on the top oven, forgetting the big skillet is in the oven. Then I go to put whatever into the oven, swear, and pull out the skillet, carefully using a hot pad (potholder), and place it on the top of the stove. Then I continue cooking...can anyone guess where this one is going? Yep, need to move that lovely, hot, heavy, iron skillet, so I reach out with my bare hand, firmly grasp the handle, 'cause it's heavy ya know, and then I drop it, while inventing whole new words. Dinner and my hand end up burned, and the kids have learned a whole new vocabulary of things not to be repeated.

The sad fact of the matter is I've done this two or three times. How many times before I learn 1. to check the oven before I turn it on, and 2. if I don't check, how to remember that cast iron stays hot a loooonnng time.

i've done something sort of similar. I decided a couple of years ago to bake a cake. I made the batter, popped it in the oven, and left. not long after, the most disgusting smell I have ever smelled starts wafting out of the kitchen. I take a closer look in the oven and realize that my older brother's science experiment, which involved cultures of lactobacillus on sheeps blood agar had been incubating in there. just so you guys know, lactobacillus does not smell very good at all. took weeks to get the smell out.​

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