my very own micro farm

We bought this one online but I feel like there's at least a few people on byc that make them too. Think I saw someone on the house duck thread anyways. I believe it's @Scovy Momma but I'm not 100%. My mom's a pretty good seamstress maybe I'll have to look up some diagrams. Coincidentally a nursing pad fits in the diaper and is much cheaper than the alternative.

Onwards and upwards

There is a thread called indoor pet chickens and they have plans on it for diapers. If I can find it I will link it.

Thank you! And that is why I like this thread you are all wise and nice ! I did hear about a lady on the serama thread. I want to say it's the same lady. Not sure, I'm going to look through a few pages. I'll look for the other thread to. Thanks a million!
Best news of the going to be a dad again. :):):):):)........

Coyote just off the property again yesterday morning. And Hermes was right there to challenge him. Little bugger is being persistent but always a bit quicker to run than I am:) Good way to start the morning.
Also caught two ee's laying for the first time and am now the proud owner of my first blue egg.

Well its sort of blue anyways. Happy as a clam my egg basket just got a bit more assorted.
This morning everything looks frozen, I'm thinking oatmeal for everyone but don't even want to get up, pretty cold inside too. Really should get a fire going first.
Made my version of a protein shake to add to the birds scratch the other day.

Almost a full container of dry baby formula, old raisins and craisins, stale pistachio and cashews and some baby pasta packets all ran through the food processor just tossed it in with my half full bucket of scratch and gave it all a good shake. They love it.

Suns shining strong now, time to start moving.

Onwards and upwards
Sounds like you are having a good day!!!! Congratulations!!!!
yay! We are thinking about one more but I have 4 already. I miss the baby stage! Sounds like your birds got a yummy treat ! I would never had thought to use baby formula. Makes sense, I'm going to cook up some oatmeal as well! I have 3 blue layers. Or did my first blue layer now lays white. She is Almost 2 and has been molting for months..... But still laying . Can't wait Intel I start getting more eggs! 12 hens getting 1-3 eggs a day. I don't want to supplement light because of my teenagers. I don't want to rush Mother Nature.
Congrats again ! Such a good Christmas present
Congrats Attimus!

Gotta watch when they start walking....... the hormones surge and another one comes along!

Ha-ha. I think it's something in the water at our job. There's alot of interconnected employee/family that are either having, just had or trying to have. Lol.

@Angie16hearts best Christmas present indeed. This egg was pretty light and from what I've read they get lighter with age so I might experience the same. I'm averaging just over a half dozen a day between 20 hens and pullets but if those 2 ee started laying now the rest should as well and that'll boost it a bit hopefully.

As cold as it was this morning I think everyone was just happy it wasnt raining. At least I am. Gives me time do get some things done.

Onwards and upwards
Again. Thank you everyone. This is going to be a crazy time with a lot going on. I only hope I can keep up. Still working on the woodpiles and cleaning up around the garden and pond.
Talked to my good friend today and he sounds on board with all the projects I have in mind for trade of produce and meat.
The world truly is based on a barter system.

Onwards and upwards
Ha-ha ya not likely. Shes OK with the thread but I'm sure wouldn't want to be plastered all over it for a few months:)

Interesting being back to work and trying to file in that free time. Just keep watching that clock hand turn.

Onwards and upwards

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