my very own micro farm

well seems like you caved in seeing all these birds hatch....just had to get some birds....good pick they are very pretty....we had a bunch last year but they didnt make the cut for the next year...kindof designing my own type of chicken...well see how that goes...enjoy the i know soon you will get more...its never ending thats for sure....
I believe it. Amassing a good assortment at this point, I'll start breeding eventually I'm sure just not yet. The coloring on the chicks when they are fully grown looks amazing I can't wait to see. Don't think I
ever catch up to you tho, you just hatched more birds than own. Lol. I'm seeing the coolerbator in the near future tho. Plenty of opportunity for more chicks and can't wait on a broody forever :)

Gonna start the worm bins shortly. Just need to get everything together in the same place. Sometimes that takes longer than the actual project lol. But it'll get done eventually. Have the doors set up next to the coop along with a ladder and enough screws, so that's all ready to go too.
Guess I should get moving. Things aren't going to build themselves.
Roofs up in the kelso coop with a door to spare.

And this is the third sift free bin I've made today.

Here's a completed set. Worm bin and beetle bin plus sifters and pupae in the top in a half size.

The lorp chicks got to come out with the rest of the birds today.

Them hiding behind the dog house. Lol.
they were happy. Stayed close to the fence line, what's comfortable and all that.
Didn't get any weed eating done today. Spent most of my available time on the worm bins, maybe tomorrow. I'll be happy when its done.
Got everything cut and holes drilled for the last sift box. Short about a dozen or so bolts. Totally miss counted, not a big deal not that there's any beetles from that batch yet. Gonna pull a bunch of pupae out in a bit tho.

Hoping the second mallard has started sitting on her
nest, 15 eggs under her as of yesterday. And the other nest I feel is in a bit of disarray, to many eggs for that little mallard to handle, 20 I think, because of the swedes wanting to lay in there too, they don't know any better they are just doing what the other girls are doing. The eggs do seem to be spilling over the edge of the nest. I've been finding the Swedes eggs in some random places aswell. Its like an easter egg hunt everyday. Lol.
She is still sitting on them at night but its a bit sparatic in the day time. Just gonna let her do her thing and see what comes about from it when I assume they're to hatch.
Just found the darkest wind egg in my nesting boxes. Lol its darker than any egg they've ever laid.

@LittleBlu Everything is fine they are still just settling in. A lot of new things happening for them.
I'm sure they'll figure it out eventually. They are fitting in really well, integraded nicely other than trying to share that nest. Lol.
Alot weed eating the last few days but that's boring so here's a bunch of chicken pics.

That little spec is the wind egg. Lol next to chicken and duck eggs. Just had to see if it was a whole egg.

This is the one good picture of the mallards. They won't let me get close enough at all. This one is sitting on 15 eggs currently.



Here's the swedes



Apollo and his girls




Some of the other adults





The lorps, banded them yesterday and I'll get individual pics for gender guesses as soon as I can, here and on the nor cal thread.

And a singled out chick pic, juggling phone chick and baby is kinda not so easy.
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Happy easter everyone. Our first brunch at work since the end of last summer. And my first in charge. Woot woot. Doing lots of stuff with eggs hopefully get some pictures of the specials today.
Also found the Swedes nest yesterday while cleaning around the house. :( out of a dozen I broke 2 and 4 are still fresh enough for the fridge.
They gave me a good pre easter egg hunt the last week or so. Glad they are settling in a place atleast.
I love those dark grey eggs. I'll try and post some dyed eggs today too. The niece came up for the weekend and did a spot on job.
Again happy easter. Eggs for days.
OK so Sunday brunch was waaaaay to busy no food photos but my baked egg was a hit. Also didn't make it back to the house in time so my niece was all finished egg hunting.
She did find yet another swede nest. Eggs in it are kind of a trip, one is the dark grey but about the size of a chicken egg and the other is super pale and super big. Maybe a double yolk. Left em be to see if they lay there again. At least now I have an idea of where they are laying.
Been a long day. Its late, I'm out. Ttfn.

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